Linda Buquet
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I think we are all guilty of talking over our clients heads. It's natural to want to show off how much you know and use industry lingo to make yourself seem important, when you are new to the game. Maybe you've tuned into it or have outgrown it - but you used to do it. Admit it!
Here is a very transparent post by Tony Dimmock sharing problems and feelings he's had client re communications, and how we can alienate clients if we aren't cognizant of some of these issues.
Thought it would be a great topic of discussion to add to Consultant's Corner.
<a href="">What the hell are you talking about? said the SEO client</a>
So for the SEO's, web marketers and consultants out there, be brutally honest (I have) with yourselves and answer this: How often do we speak "geek" orwaffleuse jargon when discussing anything with our clients?
More to the point, how often do we confuse or alienate a client (or a potential one) and close down communication channels due to our lack of empathy, because "we know the internetz" right?
How many times have we not been patient enough or not had the mental flexibility to really see the clients perspective and appreciate where they were coming from?
I'd say more than I think and probably a ton more than I'd want to admit...
Above is just a snippet, so head over to read the rest. Thanks Tony!
If you need help simplifying your initial presentation to simplify things and get down on the potential new client's level, I share some pointers in the post below:
<a href="">The Local Search Puzzle - Illustrated</a>

That gives you an idea about some of the ways I would try to simplify and explain things to Dentists, back when I still worked with clients. I had an extremely high sign up rate with no closing. Just took more of an educational and consulting approach and it worked really well for me.
What do you think???
Have you ever been guilty of talking over client's heads?
Do you have any client communication tips to share?
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