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Aug 16, 2023
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We have a personal injury attorney-client in New York City who focuses on the Chinese community. Their website's main landing page is in Chinese, with additional pages in English and Russian. The GBP landing page connects to the Chinese page. I understand the landing page impacts traffic, but does language affect traffic/metrics? Any similar cases? Thank- you Local Search Forum!
I think language certainly impacts rankings and what searches you show up for, though it is hard to say how much. If rankings for your top traffic keywords are impacted, it would likely result in changes to traffic.

Do you track rankings for keywords in Chinese, English and Russian? If so, I would test making another language page the GBP landing page and see how it affects rankings + traffic for your top keywords in all languages over a few weeks. I suspect if you change the GBP landing page from the Chinese page to another language page it would impact rankings for Chinese keywords and thus traffic from searches for those keywords, but the only way you'll know for sure is to test it. You can always change it back if it affects it in a way you don't like :)

If you test it, please come back and let us know the results!!

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