We've now have at least four different instances within two months of pushing a SAB out of our account (either on accident or because we created it and the owner didn't want to actually take possession of it when they stopped working with us), and vanishing very soon after. This was not always case: we have had instances of accidental releases in the past that we were able to get back.
I always knew unowned profiles were very more sensitive to being deleted, but these were profiles with lots of signals and reviews, associated webpages, no duplicates etc. Earlier today I released one because it turned out the clients already had a profile with reviews. I immediately made a suggestion for merging it, but it disappeared before the edit could even be approved or rejected!
Has anyone else noticed something similar going on with ownerless SABs?
I always knew unowned profiles were very more sensitive to being deleted, but these were profiles with lots of signals and reviews, associated webpages, no duplicates etc. Earlier today I released one because it turned out the clients already had a profile with reviews. I immediately made a suggestion for merging it, but it disappeared before the edit could even be approved or rejected!
Has anyone else noticed something similar going on with ownerless SABs?