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Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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New Google My Business Trusted Verifier Program​

Whoa just discovered something new and interesting. It's totally outlined in the GMB help docs, but I don't think anyone knows about it yet.

Started with this help thread at the GMB Community:

<a href="">Trusted Google Verifier?</a>

Freddie F asks how he can join and links to the official Google help docs here.

<a href="">Welcome to Trusted Verifier - Google My Business Help</a>

Trusted Verifier is a new verification method for Google My Business. Trusted partners can use the Trusted Verifier mobile app to verify local businesses. Other than the Trusted Verifier program, there are three ways to verify a business: by postcard, phone, or Google Search Console. Learn more about verification

The Trusted Verifier app records verifications made in-person by trusted partners and sends them to Google, along with the verifier’s location at the time of verification. If the verifier’s device isn’t online when it verifies a business, the recorded verification is saved on the device and uploaded when the device gets back online. Once the record reaches Google, the local business is verified, just as it would be if it used any of the other verification methods.

There are a bunch of links to more info and there is an FAQ.

In answer to Freddie's question - How do you become a Verifier?

Sounds like it's by invite only. The help docs FAQ says:

I know more partners interested in using the app. How can they get started?

Put them in touch with the Google contact who invited you to become a Trusted Verifier. Your Google contact will be able to assess the partner’s eligibility to join this program.

Obviously this would be really helpful for ethical agencies and consultants. The question is how will Google decide who qualifies? I know large agencies that are Google "Partners" who are far from ethical and would abuse this.

EDITED TO ADD:I missed the part about "made in-person" verifications. Was rushing to get the story out and should have read more carefully. That will help avoid abuse. BUT most of the ethical consultants here that would benefit from this, have clients all over the country and don't visit in person.

Treebles, a fellow Google TC just reached out to Google to see if we can get any additional info. I'll keep you posted if there are any public facing comments I can share.

What say ye???

<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="An interesting new development">
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This sounds like a great program! I do like the fact that the Trusted Verifier needs to be physically present at the location.

Beyond agencies, this would also be very useful for Street View | Trusted photographers and Map Maker Regional Leads.

This sounds like a great program! I do like the fact that the Trusted Verifier needs to be physically present at the location.

Beyond agencies, this would also be very useful for Street View | Trusted photographers and Map Maker Regional Leads.

Great points Jim. And oops I totally missed the part about "made in-person" verifications. Was rushing to get the story out and should have read more carefully. That will help avoid abuse. BUT most of the ethical consultants here that would benefit from this have clients all over the country and don't visit in person.
Looks like there might have been a publishing error at Google's end (maybe someone let the interns work unsupervised??)

Going to your link Linda now brings up this for me :)

Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 7.20.53 AM.jpg

(I feel a lot like that robot right about now!)

Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 7.20.53 AM.jpg
This strikes me as a bad idea, and another of Google's halfhearted pokes at quality-control. It's mostly SABs with bogus info that needs real-world verification, but this program wouldn't deal with SABs.

I also see potential conflicts of interest with - you guessed it! - local SEOs. They're the only ones who will know about this anyway.
Say what? They either took it down or blocked it so only chosen can see.

My bet is that this is another oops where this was not supposed to be public yet and someone accidentally pulled the trigger early. Glad I quoted a couple parts above.

Wish I had taken a screenshot. Wonder if I can one from history or cache.
Here's a pic of the app in action:


From this page: <a href="">Google Trusted Verifier ? MaterialUp</a>

Yeah I'm not seeing it either - I think maybe they didn't mean to make it public? lol
I got a form via my participation in the GYBO program. Just filled out the interest form. It said I'll be notified in a couple of days. It seems like there's a training program attached to it. Maybe a certification of some sort?
Linda, after seeing your original post (and visiting the page before it was taken down) I asked about it in a private community (that needs to remain unidentified). One of the other members there thought it was an old program that died off a couple years ago and the page had accidentally remained online.

I'm not sure I buy that, seeing as no one else who deals with GMB (and 2 years ago would have been before GMB, wouldn't it?) appears to be aware of it before the original post in this thread was published.

I find it interesting no one has owned up to knowing anything about it; makes me think it is still unreleased and participants are under NDA.
Thanks Jim. I agree, this is not an old program. If anything the cat was accidentally let out of the bag prematurely.

But I'm starting to think more and more that Mike is right about this being connected to GYBO, especially after what Louis said above. And the fact that it requires in person onsite verification and documents from the business, I think further supports that theory.
The docs are back up again so you guys can read it now.
They are at a different URL now, so I changed the link in my top post.
(Thanks to eagle eye Helmut for finding this.)

This time I grabbed a screenshot (in case it gets pulled again). The screenshot further goes to substantiate that this program was designed for people with feet on the street helping with the GYBO program. And looks like it's designed to be helpful at the "Let’s Put Our Cities on the Map" events where there are lots of businesses without a listing. They can be quickly added via the mobile app I showed above.


That shot is from the verification policy page. But note on the FAQ page it says...

Question: "I’m verifying at an event and the participant has no proof documents, but I personally know them and their business. Can I still verify them with the Trusted Verifier app?"

Answer: "No".

So it seems like they are keeping a tight rein on things to prevent abuse which is good and was one of my concerns. BUT I know it's one of Google's primary concerns too, so looks like they are trying to cover all their bases with this!

Quick update:
I've been approved to go through training.

This is something that is much needed because as you all know it can take more than a day to get someone verified. There always a large possibility that we have to do a lot of personalization during the GYBO workshops and different scenarios occur. So I'm sure it's going to be super helpful.

From my understanding it's a beta program so hopefully Trusted Verifiers can help make this a really cool tool past the beta phase.

This reminds me of the Virtual Tours where the Trusted Photographers were used to help build the public program now known as Street View Trusted. So maybe some day in the future they may open this up to a larger audience.

On my way to training..yay!
I have a question about all this: Will these certified GMB verifiers be allowed to charge a fee for this service?

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