More threads by Dustybones

Aug 7, 2013
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Mike Blumenthal has a nice post and video on the new feature. Be sure to check out the rest of his blog post. It's a long time coming!


Leaving a review for a business on Google via a mobile has long been a pain. However starting in early May on Android 5 and gradually working its way across Google’s & Apple’s mobile browsers, users can once again leave a review for a business using almost any mobile browser.
This is great. We have a lot of clients in auto repair so we've been trying to get them to take advantage of having customers in their lobby leave good review now this is even easier for them to execute. Thanks, Justin
This is great, about time! It's really going benefit local business. Quicker and easier reviews for customers too - double win
Yes, this is really nice for our dental and orthodontic clients. Its been such a pain walking the practice and the patient through the process...
Missed that one, thanks Mike!

Here is the link: <a href="">Use This Link to Ask For Google Reviews on Mobile (& the Desktop) - Local University</a>
This is a welcome update from Google, and many thanks to Mike B. for nailing it down!

It is certainly simpler to have a single URL to send customers to via the mobile browser. We've obviously updated our application to support this approach. After a few weeks of watching, I see that it does work in practice.

Still, as someone who worries obsessively about converting more customers into reviewers, I can't discount the power of device-specific links targeting the GMaps app. Why? Because in the browser, the customer has the significant hurdle of logging into Google, whereas GMaps users is typically logged in *already*. (Of course, the risk is that the customer doesn't have GMaps at all.)

For now, we support both approaches and are gathering data. Any opinions on which ought be the best practice?
Thanks, Dusty

Also liked Joy's suggestion of using a ,1 rather than a ,2 at the end to show off reviews in addition to providing option to leaving a review.

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