More threads by JoyHawkins


Aug 23, 2014
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Hey All,

I'm preparing another post on spam and in this one I'm going to be outlining the issues with the current process that GMB takes with spam. I have some pretty horrific examples that I've experienced lately that I'll be talking about.

I wanted to check in with you guys here though to see what methods you've been using to report and get rid of spam? Have you been having success? Is there something about it you wish Google would change?
I can't wait to read your post. I wish I was part of your spam team Joy but I can barely find the time to share here sometimes.

Spam is one of those issues that I'm not sure how to approach mentally. It seems daunting and pointless at times.
Lol. Yes, it seems that way at times. If you ever have any stories let me know :)
I haven't heavily gotten into any spam reporting, but I've been making minor changes (trimming keyword stuffed names down to actual business name, etc) and most of my edits never get past pending. Seems like turn around is super long, it'd be nice if that was different though I realize with manual review there's only so much that can be done to stem the black tide of spam.

I'll be looking forward to the article!
Hey All,

I'm preparing another post on spam and in this one I'm going to be outlining the issues with the current process that GMB takes with spam. I have some pretty horrific examples that I've experienced lately that I'll be talking about.

I wanted to check in with you guys here though to see what methods you've been using to report and get rid of spam? Have you been having success? Is there something about it you wish Google would change?

I believe the process of reporting a spam to Google and removing it is not clear, so perhaps your report can help us understand the process better or at-least how to mark fake businesses for removal
- The Biggest issue i am facing these days, and let me know if any body else agrees, is fake businesses who try to get higher ranking by spaming local pack!, and most of the time Google does ZERO or near to nothing!

I will mention two examples now, ! Let me know what others think!

1- Complete incorrect results for searched keyword.

Google does a lousy job on distinguishing the right category for the business! Let's say in my area which is Los Angeles, i do see Plumbing Store, when i search for a Plumber. That is absolutely crazy, as people who look for a plumber, they do not a plumbing store. and plumbing store and plumber are two different categories. Even after reporting the issue to Google, i do see the listing time to time.

2- Businesses promoting Yelp or other 3rd party URLs on their GMB get higher ranking
- There are companies in Los Angeles, that get first position in local pack by advertising YELP category page instead of their main website or URL on the listing ., After reporting the issue many times i just gave up! They keep coming back

I would be happy to see someday, GMB customer support calls in to check business identity now that can be a great solution to see if this is a real business or a fake one!
I wrote about an experience in a other forum I just had last week with finding spam. This time it was a different type of spam; a black-hatter put his niche site in all the other niche unclaimed businesses' business website area, in the local area. Could be a good propsecting technique; educating a business owner on how competitors or hackers can alter their listing without them knowing about it unless they claim their branded properties.

How did this guy manage to accomplish that? Was it through GMB or MapMaker?
I have found that unless the spam is really obvious, you have to really stay on top of reporting it to see results. Really our only complaint with spam removal it the time it takes. Using MapMaker to report the issue can expedite the process sometimes. .
Tango down!


The feedback seems to work more regularly than before.

In my experience the most effective way to report GMB spam is to contact Joy Hawkins. :)

Most of the spam I've come across would be dealt with through Map Maker, but with the latest instances where the spammers use a parking lot address and setup their listing as a SAB, it had to be dealt with via the GMB forum. (thank you Joy)

This second step of asking for your edit to be reviewed in the appropriate forum has been the key to successfully having spam listings removed in a timely manner when I've reported them.
In my experience the most effective way to report GMB spam is to contact Joy Hawkins. :)

I think that hits the nail on the head. I haven't personally gone spam-hunting unless I find myself directly faced with spam from a competitor, but when I do, part of me is afraid to report it in Map Maker. I've had my edits denied several times, even when I'm absolutely sure of them, and since I'm trying very hard to build trust in Map Maker, I'm a little reluctant to make edits that I know will be denied on some small technicality, or just ignored forever.

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