More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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How do you get more traffic, engagement and links for all that content you create?

By creating compelling content that will get you more traffic, engagement & links!

How do you know what the most compelling content will be? Especially if you are in charge of content for clients, or tasked with giving them ideas to blog about???

Coming up with great content ideas that generate social buzz and long-term engagement is tricky! Especially when you don't intimately know the industry your client is in. Plus there is always the writers block issue to contend with.

Enter Impactana - a very cool new tool that does a variety of things that could help your content marketing - and I'd even say link building outreach efforts.

There are several tools out there you can use to track and measure content popularity via social signals, but Impactana goes beyond social sharing metrics to help you discover content ideas that can really make an impact in your client's industry.

Someone could buy a bunch of Tweets and that would make you think a post was popular, based on other social metric tools. But some engagement metrics are harder to fake.

In addition to social signals Impactana, also shows you # of backlinks, views, engagement, comments, clicks, downloads, and provides author and influencer intel.

Let me share a couple posts from their blog instead of trying to explain it. In these posts you'll find lots of screenshots and videos as well. PLUS I've included a short video below.



This post shows you how you could discover hot topic ideas OR find influencers in the Real Estate niche.

<a href="">Content Ideas for Your Real Estate Website</a>


You can search ONE specific site and find out what their most popular posts were, how many shares, links, etc. AND research the author in very great detail, including other places they post, and even get their contact info. (If you want to ask them to do a post for you OR want to share a great related post you did with them, to try to get links, coverage or shares.)

For example, just for fun, I plugged in just to see what some of the most popular and engaging posts over there were. If I had a blog focused on SEO that could provide some intel and stimulate post ideas.

However, it does not seem to find info on small local business sites. I even tried it on one of the most prolific sites that ranks for "Cosmetic Dentist Beverly Hills" knowing this guy has great content and must pay a fortune for his marketing. Impactana didn't find anything at all. But still in bigger markets and broader topics it might be a fit.

<a href="">Content Marketing - How to Use Your Competitors for Inspiration</a>


This is one area I know many consultants struggle with. How do you come up with COMPELLING content for HVAC contractors or other industries where it's really hard to come up with new, fresh content ideas? ESPECIALLY if you don't know the client's industry that well?

Christoph C. Cemper, the CEO of Impactana, walks you through how you can use Impactana to gather hundreds, if not thousands of tried and tested content ideas in even the most “boring” niches.

Pay special attention to the various filtering steps he takes to drill down to the best content, so you'll know how to do it when you take it for a spin.

<a href="">How to discover great content ideas in boring niches</a>


You can have this toolbar always with you, to quickly check out metrics and get author intel on any post. Here's a brief 2 minute video that goes over the toolbar, but it also will give you just a small glimpse of the features of the full program.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>​

Take Impactana for a spin.
You can pay with a Tweet to get the free trial.

h/t Kristi Hines who in the following really great article, turned me on to Impactana:
<a href="">How to Find the Best Pieces of Content in Your Industry</a>

Find tons more Local content creation ideas & tools in our Local Content Forum

What do you think? HOT or NOT???
<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">


Ohhhh good timing. I was not sure when this launched but I guess it's right now.

I just discovered a brand new video Christoph just uploaded today, announcing it.
So I guess I was on the bleeding edge again. :)


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>​

I didn't see pricing on the site. Any idea when the trial ends and how much it costs?
No idea, I didn't see either.

But since it's still in Alpha, maybe no pricing yet or something.

I was going to ping the CEO and let him know about this post so maybe he can share more.

I didn't see pricing on the site. Any idea when the trial ends and how much it costs?

Hi Joy & Linda

Christoph C. Cemper - founder & CEO of Impactana here.

Yes correct.
We are currently in free alpha,
and everyone can use it for a tweet, extend it by tweeting, inviting friends, etc.

At the same time we're doing a pricing poll this week
where we're looking to find the best price match for the market
for the current basic edition of Impactana

Would be happy to get your opinion, too
5 questions about Impactana Basic package

We give away a full year Impactana account to those that give us their e-mail in the poll also

Thanks a lot for the great mention Linda and
looking forward to more feedback and support.

Also any ideas on improvments, feature wishes
or feedback about my funny accent is warmly welcome :)

Impactana is an amazing tool. I'm not sure that anyone else pulls that kind of data.
Hey Kristi,

Thanks for following my link over and joining us. And thanks for turning me onto Impactana!

Do you ever write on Local Search? If so you should add a link in your signature, because this is the biggest local search forum, 3500 visits per day. And 70% of our traffic is consultants, some with thousands of clients. They ALLLLLLLL need content.

Check out our content section and see if there is a post you'd like to make about content, does not have to be local specific per se. Could be how to write for a boring niche or how to come up with good small business blog topics or whatever. Just be sure you have a good sig set up.

I have another freelance writer that posts here sometimes and her 1st post she was blown away by the leads she got! :)
couple of interesting things with this toolbar
the minimum free trial is 3 days if you get the personal version. And you only get that if you share a post/tweet. (Forced free promotion)
Then you can extend by one or two days each by filling out your profile, continuing to share their version of what you should be messaging (tried changing their text in the tweet - didn't work)
The login on their site takes you to an secure app login (mobile), even if you're on desktop. Once I'm logged in, it's forcing me to stay in the https / mobile site, which doesn't have the menu that I can see. If I use the mobile search to try to find something like the toolbar for firefox, it's not a site search, rather a web search for the content - which is a fantastic service, but not what I was expecting. Have to manually change the URL back to the desktop version of the site to get back to where I want to be.
Not seeing the "sharers" link they promised in the Ffox version. Maybe it's just in chrome?

Still, this is turning up some very interesting info and plan to make the most of the 3 days I have.

Wonder what happens after 3 days...
No idea, I didn't see either.

But since it's still in Alpha, maybe no pricing yet or something.

I was going to ping the CEO and let him know about this post so maybe he can share more.

Looks great, Linda! I just signed up for it seeing the "extra" impact feature for a post that it gives. My first thought was that how is it different from Buzzsumo but saw your and Kristi's post on CMI. Thanks for recommending it.

I can't look at a pricing tab or menu option there. Been extending my freel trial by feeding as much as information about myself and tweeting :D.

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