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Oct 7, 2022
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So client is still waiting on background check. Its been 8 weeks (and counting).
The multiple attempts to inquire, ask, find out anything on the issue goes nowhere.

google doesn't help (says they can't, even though it went to the 'internal team').
evidentid doesn't respond.

I'm thinking, why not just delete the account and create it again. Surely, something just got a snag and no one can help.

However, wondering can that be done? can you delete an LSA account and create it back again?

If not delete, you can start a new account - just be sure to have Google denylist the account you are abandoning from the associated GBP, then set up the new account.

Could it be something else that is delaying the background check? (client error, other policy/verification issue, problem with client's license/background...etc.) If so then you'd just experience more of the same I'd imagine.
If not delete, you can start a new account - just be sure to have Google denylist the account you are abandoning from the associated GBP, then set up the new account.

Could it be something else that is delaying the background check? (client error, other policy/verification issue, problem with client's license/background...etc.) If so then you'd just experience more of the same I'd imagine.
If not delete, you can start a new account - just be sure to have Google denylist the account you are abandoning from the associated GBP, then set up the new account.

Could it be something else that is delaying the background check? (client error, other policy/verification issue, problem with client's license/background...etc.) If so then you'd just experience more of the same I'd imagine.

Hi Chris,
I waited a little more time. still nothing.

It is only the background check, as every thing else is passing.

I'm a little unclear of what to do?
Currently: we have Existing LSA account (LSA1) is connected to GBP and google ads account.

I tell Google to denylist the LSA1 account from existing GBP. ((HOW TO DO THIS? How will I know it is done correctly?))

Then just create another LSA account (ie. LSA2) and start over?

thank you!
Yes, that's the process - call LSA support to have them do so. They'll confirm on the phone, you can't really tell from this side of the walled garden. They can tell with their listing "fingerprint" thing so I'm told.

I would definitely fear the same issue, and would probably recommend incessant attempts to retrieve any type of answer from Google and/or Evident before starting a new account - maybe ask them to escalate or for a case ID of the escalated issue if their internal team is doing anything whatsoever.

This is not normal in my experience but I'm not too confident that starting a new account will produce a different result.

A few other things to try:

1. If you haven't already, go back to the Advance Verification Request Form, but select 'Get help with Advanced Verification'.
2. Try emailing - get a case ID
3. See if Google Ads phone support can help:
thanks, I'll try emailing that email. As already called/talked a couple times, the escalation goes no where. Google just says: it is on Evident. Which has to be so ironic... big google with $$$$$$$$$$ and customers.... they don't have a way to see why google's request is like 2 months over due?????
Yeah, I hear you. Super frustrating. I noticed on that support link one advertiser waiting 5+ months.

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