Recent content by Clay Carson

  1. C

    Google Ads Call Details Report No Caller Phone Number

    Possibly a caller ID blocked number?
  2. C

    Wisdom of posting links to Google Photos albums on website?

    Jeff, thanks for the info. Yes, we are using Wordpress and it does allow some in post galleries. But we have hundreds of photos so I'm looking for a solution that allows someone to browse through dozens of pictures in high res, without clogging up one single post too much. The media library of...
  3. C

    Wisdom of posting links to Google Photos albums on website?

    Are there security or SEO concerns about linking to Photos albums? Or do you prefer a gallery plugin that keeps people on site instead? Our Photos albums are pretty robust, but I'm not crazy about the gallery plugin options we've tried so far. These are all 'before and after' type pictures...
  4. C

    Duplicate without user-selected canonical OPTIONS

    Jeff, We have the premium Yoast. Will check, have not bothered to check before, thanks. Will double check and let you know. Much appreciated!
  5. C

    Duplicate without user-selected canonical OPTIONS

    When you say 'link the site and the pages', do you mean doing a 301 redirect?
  6. C

    Duplicate without user-selected canonical OPTIONS

    Jeff, good questions. 1. Yes, the https property shows in Search Console. Only added it after SSL was installed. 2. We added the root domain. 3. Yoast created 5 sitemaps in Wordpress, authors, posts, pages, categories and tags. They all show in GSC. 4. Wordpress with Yoast. I thought so...
  7. C

    Duplicate without user-selected canonical OPTIONS

    Wondering what best practice would be for pages that Google Search Console has marked 'Duplicate without user-selected canonical'. Took a careful look at the pages, trying to see what the issue was. Came up with some patterns. 1. The site originally did not have SSL, predated that. SSL added...

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