Recent content by HydroHot

  1. HydroHot

    What is the state of toll free numbers?

    HelloWorld/Jeff/Keizer... 2 schools of thot here from where I sit... 1.) A random toll free... 8xx-123-4567 doesn't say or spell anything. A big deal though 60+ years ago when it was called a " Wats" line... quite expensive then. But major corps had them. 2.) For our company it was...
  2. HydroHot

    No follow question... based on Sterling Sky blog...

    Thank You Joy...
  3. HydroHot

    No follow question... based on Sterling Sky blog...

    Just joined... my first question...:) In November, Joy posted a blog on No-Follow links, and how they CAN pass juice if done right. So, the blog article, found here: (No-follow blog post) indicated the benefits of the link... provided they are "under the right conditions"... My question: 1.)...

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