More threads by cjk


Jun 15, 2024
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I have changed my service area on my Google business listing. It was approved and displayed my new service area within 10 minutes. The map outline on my listing also correctly showed my new service area (its about 6 hour drive from my old area so quite far). However, when I type my keyword into Google I still show up for my old area. I gave it a week and still had the same problem - listing correctly showing new service area but still displaying in old area and no enquiries at all for my new area.

I decided to contact Google support yesterday. They advised me to remove my service area and re add it and contact them in 2 days if it still no working. I did this and a day later it's still not working and I can't see anything changing tomorrow.

Has anyone else had this problem? I'm getting very concerned as it's how I make my living. The listing is 11 years old with lots of great reviews.

Grateful for any assistance.

Many thank.

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