Recent content by DavidB

  1. D

    Looking for Italian citations services

    Hi @shripadd, I was curious about your services, cause I see you offer citations for my home country (Croatia). But, majority of the citation sites you have listed there make no sense for my websites to listed there. Could you clarify on that?
  2. D

    In regards to the original question, recently I also found our agency's name listed there. I signed up for the free account and tried to enter missing data, but after exchanging some emails with their support, I found that it needs to be approved manually by them. But they did, and as Justin...
  3. D

    Claiming a personality

    @freerunr, thank you very much, please let me know how that turns out :)
  4. D

    Claiming a personality

    A bit late to the party, but do you @freerunr have any experience claiming knowledge panel for your clients? I have a client who is eligible, but I need some advice on that. Thanks

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