Recent content by Joey Abna

  1. Joey Abna

    Local SEO Tips For Car Dealerships

    Back in the day when I was in the car biz we would create a page for new models. Then we would take one of the all new models to say Starbucks or other local shopping center. We would have our videographer interview people about their thoughts and impressions about the new model. We also did it...
  2. Joey Abna

    Do Billboards Affect Google Rankings?

    @brentnau And sometimes when you have that set up the client ends up using that url and phone number on all kinds of things totally messing up the attribution. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  3. Joey Abna

    Do Billboards Affect Google Rankings?

    This is always a fun debate. Traditional drives awareness which can increase brand name search and for a local business could mean more organic website traffic. Does brand search factor into the algo? Maybe, maybe not reminds me of debate in high school, you could argue either side and win the...
  4. Joey Abna

    Soft Suspended GBP Will Not Allow Us to Update Information Before Appealing

    We have a client that had one of their locations GBP profile just sitting out their unclaimed for at least a couple of years. They claimed the profile and it was immediately suspended. It is a Soft Suspension still showing in search. Before appealing the suspension we need to update the...
  5. Joey Abna

    Has anyone noticed this? impressions go down when position improves.

    You really have to spend some time parsing out the numbers in GSC looking at them in different ways. Compare them from the time where you see a change to the previous period of the same length. When you do this look at the pages and the queries. I once had a client call me freaking out because...
  6. Joey Abna

    Google Website

    Always preferential to have an independent site but for some small businesses the Google sites work just fine especially if most of their business is coming from the Local Pack anyway. I don't see a problem with keeping both. I have heard arguments about the Google site competing with the...
  7. Joey Abna

    Views on google Maps contribs??

    Occasionally I get emails letting me know how many views one of my accepted suggested edits has had. I hadn't noticed them posted like this before. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Joey Abna

    Anyone Else Having Trouble Logging Into Bing Webmaster Tools?

    Thanks Conor, that is the link I was using. Thank you for responding.
  9. Joey Abna

    Anyone Else Having Trouble Logging Into Bing Webmaster Tools?

    Recently logging into Bing Webmaster Tools has been problematic. I can get to the opening screen with the list of websites. But, If I try to drill into the different areas of a websites data I get dumped to a 500 error page like the screenshot below. It's been buggy for several weeks but after a...
  10. Joey Abna

    Google Business Profile for Multiple Businesses at One Address - Seeking Guidance

    I have only seen one case where this type of arrangement worked without issues. I have seen several cases where this caused problems with verification, filtering and in the end multiple suspensions. To me it is not worth the increased risk.
  11. Joey Abna

    When Was the Last Time You Saw a Manual Penalty for Links?

    I have wondered about this as well. Haven't heard anyone talking about link penalties much anymore. Makes me wonder if Google just ignores these links that would normally generate a penalty. That way they keep us in the dark not knowing.
  12. Joey Abna

    Changed to SAB and Traffic Dropped Big Time

    I can't think of any clients I have worked with that moved from showing the address to hiding the address that did not lose rankings/exposure. I see SABs (with hidden addresses) in the search results but most listings doing well have addresses showing. It's frustrating following the rules and...
  13. Joey Abna

    How can I create a Google Business Profile for a home-based RV Repair and Maintenance business?

    I had a client that was a mobile rv repair service business a couple of years ago. There used to be a category for mobile rv repair service and that is what we used for his business. Then Google got rid of the mobile rv repair business category along with other similar mobile services like auto...
  14. Joey Abna

    GBP - Adding 4 Q/A's is the first Q/A the one that stays on top?

    Nothing with Google is hard and fast. Things are always in constant state of change. It works now... will it work in 6-months who knows.
  15. Joey Abna

    GBP - Adding 4 Q/A's is the first Q/A the one that stays on top?

    Don't worry about the order you post them in. Upvote the question you want to be at the top and it should appear above the others. The question with the most upvotes is typically at the top.

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