Recent content by Monica Simpson

  1. Monica Simpson

    Google Guaranteed for GMB?

    I looked up pest control in our area and found the major companies like Terminix have it while the smaller ones do not. Here's the link to what I get when I look up pest control...
  2. Monica Simpson

    Mental Health/Counselor reviews - HIPAA

    This is for US based businesses only... question for about mental health services. How do you handle reviews? Here in America we have this thing called HIPAA which ensures privacy of all patients at any medical facility. Recently a counseling center used a Google review snippet - at the urging...
  3. Monica Simpson

    Local SEO Professional ZOOM - July 17th

    You're welcome and thank you for having joined in! I'm on vacation next week but if there's interest in continuing, I will do so. All the best, Monica
  4. Monica Simpson

    Local SEO Professional ZOOM - July 17th

    Good morning! This Friday we will be having our last local zoom for the summer. These are small gatherings are a good way to meet Local SEO professionals face to face. Or to connect and collaborate with others. The meeting will take place on Friday July 17th at 11 AM PST/12 noon MST/ 1 PM...
  5. Monica Simpson

    Questions & Answers - Knowledge Panel (Not Showing)

    Most of my Q&A reappeard. There is one client that never had questions... How do I add Q&A on for them? There is no Ask a question feature, simply the Know this Place link. Thank you, in advance for your response...
  6. Monica Simpson

    Last Local SEO Zoom Friday July 10

    Good morning! Hope this finds everyone well. This Friday will be the last Local SEO professionals Zoom I am going to host. There are so many virtual networking opportunities online and with work amping up for everyone, its the natural course of action. If you are interested in attending...
  7. Monica Simpson

    Local Zoom - Friday July 3rd

    Good morning! If anyone is interested in joining a Zoom meetup for Local SEO professionals, I am having another event this Friday at 11 PST/noon MST/1 CST/2 EST. Please email me at if you would like the Zoom link. I will also be posting an eventbrite link to this...
  8. Monica Simpson

    Nextdoor app listings

    We just got our first business listed on there. Easy process; there was one glitch in the signup but customer service was fast to respond. I haven't bulk listed though.
  9. Monica Simpson

    Realtors - websites

    I've done work for a few realtors and was wondering about this category. If they create a different website than the company one (one is ReMax, the other c21), will their listing get penalized? Will Google autogenerate a second profile? It seems brick and mortar offices do better than SABS so...
  10. Monica Simpson

    Amazon/Alexa in the Digital Marketing Space?

    Has anyone else come across Amazon's foray into taking over everything: Alexa's digital marketing stack? Found it recently while auditing a client's profiles. They did not have a profile here but it was in the search results. The size of the company means they can price to scale but curious...
  11. Monica Simpson

    Local SEO Zoom - June 25th

    Good morning! Thank you to those who have joined in our local SEO Zoom on Fridays recently. They're small, informal Zoom meetups that connect others in the industry and let you learn more about their field. If you're interested in attending, the next one is this coming Friday at 11:00am...
  12. Monica Simpson

    How to get Yelp to recommend new reviews?

    We've found that a good response to the negative reviews that show up heals a lot of wounds. Yelp favors serial complainers. This has been a hitting head against the wall issue for one client. But a few good responses to the complainers did resolve the issue with the individual complainant.
  13. Monica Simpson

    Nextdoor app listings

    I haven't done it yet but that is a fantastic website. I go there before anywhere else for recommendations. Best of luck with that!
  14. Monica Simpson

    Quick questions about citations (newbie here)

    Thank you so much for posting this list! It was kind of unclear to me. This will save us a lot of time.
  15. Monica Simpson

    Local SEO Zoom - June 19th

    Here's the link for this event: Local SEO Networking - Zoom

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