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Jul 2, 2020
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Hey....when you get a potential lead who happens to be outside a major city how do you handle pitching your services when the tools show almost little to no volume on locally-modified terms?

Trying to account for folks that use near me or just the term with no modifier at all.

While we could conceivably run a PPC campaign or try to get access to maps and ga/gsc and back our way into it, that's not really feasible (ppc) or always achievable (access to data)
What tools are you using? You can use a tool like Google Ads Keyword planner to see the search volume of "near me" and implicit (no modifier) terms for the specific area they are in.

Do they also want customers from the major city they are bordering? If so, you can pitch an organic strategy to get the website to rank in that area, since it may be hard to get the GBP to rank far outside its own city.
What tools are you using? You can use a tool like Google Ads Keyword planner to see the search volume of "near me" and implicit (no modifier) terms for the specific area they are in.

Do they also want customers from the major city they are bordering? If so, you can pitch an organic strategy to get the website to rank in that area, since it may be hard to get the GBP to rank far outside its own city.

Ahrefs mostly. They can serve multiple areas nearby for sure.

I'll have a look at the GKP, thanks for that. Nearby cities are good but the towns where their offices are tend to be a priority for them. I've started doing a bit more for them including helping with social media ideation and posting + email marketing stuff to become more of a marketing asset to them vs just soley doing the seo.

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