More threads by Rich Owings

Rich Owings

Local Search Expert
LocalU Member
Apr 21, 2014
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I'm seeing a "choose area" link just above the map pack on mobile. I don't recall seeing this or reading about it before, so perhaps it's new. The second image shows what you get once you click on it.

We've been seeing the same thing in various Florida cities during the past 2 weeks. It's not consistent in terms of which searches trigger it.
I'm seeing this as well and don't recall seeing it before.
Nope, I haven't seen this yet in Oz. So many changes happening, its very interesting.
This will be an interesting feature to research. Unlike Josh, I have seen it in Australia. Even when using branded searches.
@rustybrick in your article you said you couldn't replicate it. Are you able to now? I'm thinking before it was being tested but now it's actually rolled out?

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