More threads by Ben Bowen

Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
Just got an email from Nextdoor. They now have business profiles that can be claimed and filled out. It appears they will only be visible in neighborhoods where recommendations for you have been made?

I have gotten several referrals via Nextdoor (I believe the trust factor is very high among its users), so I am interested to see how this evolves.

Here is what the profile looks like:
Nextdoor  Business Profile.jpg

Nextdoor  Business Profile.jpg
Very good to know especially about the leads and trust factor.

Thanks Ben.
Related, from Rich Owings at our Pro Community:

<a href="">You can now claim or add a business listing on NextDoor:</a>
After I came across this thread, I wanted to explore more about using NextDoor as a lead-gen platform. I did some digging, NextDoor seems to be a good platform for local business owners to connect with potential customers.

Here's a post on how to generate leads using Nextdoor.

Big thanks to @Ben Bowen for his ideas :)

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