Recent content by mattheffner

  1. mattheffner

    Opinions wanted: Answering Q&A on another GMB panel (within a different category) as a business in the same town

    I think this is a great idea Shelly, especially if executed with class such as what Joy suggested.
  2. mattheffner

    Call Tracking vendors - Which to you use for GMB?

    I've been using PhoneWagon for 18 months and been happy with it. Solid platform and features yet with reasonable pricing. CallRail has some really cool integrations and all the bells and whistles though so they are tempting.
  3. mattheffner

    New Services Interface for Hotels/B&Bs?

    Seeing a new service menu interface and options for some Venue/B&B/Hotel clients today. Other businesses are the typical interface still. Anyone else seeing this?
  4. mattheffner

    GMB Insights Comparison

    The best study that I know of is Brightlocal's Google My Business Insights Study - BrightLocal
  5. mattheffner

    BEST Practices for TRACKING GMB website Click throughs?

    Agree with Colan this is the way to do it and shouldn't see any issues whatsoever. Visibility into the source for online leads and revenue in Google Analytics is so much clearer since we began this about a year ago.
  6. mattheffner

    New layout when leaving Google review?

    It's newish I believe. Started seeing this in June if I remember right. Very very similar to TripAdvisor. Seems to help get more in-depth reviews for the hotels we manage.
  7. mattheffner

    Best Practices for Getting "Recommended" Yelp Reviews?

    General opinion I've seen has been that their review will be hidden if they have done less than 5 reviews on their profile. Also no friends or other activity increases the odds it gets hidden. But with their last few updates these past months I've seen them break those "rules" such as a first...
  8. mattheffner

    Google My Business Changes/Issues for Hotels

    I do think there will be many more options for us to capture niche attribute driven searches now. Pet friendly, family friendly, specific amenities, etc... can stand out now. It's just another step in Google taking over the travel accommodations space a little bit more. I believe it will be...
  9. mattheffner

    Google My Business Changes/Issues for Hotels

    Not sure about Russian not being available that seems strange. Maybe just a slow rollout starting with English speaking perhaps? I assumed it meant happy hour as well. And took wading pool to mean kids shallow pool as well.
  10. mattheffner

    Google My Business Changes/Issues for Hotels

    One example of the greater detail in one of the sections.
  11. mattheffner

    Google My Business Changes/Issues for Hotels

    Did I miss it or is this attributes interface and greater detail a new feature for hotels? Perhaps if it's new that's what's been causing some of the wonky updates for hotels the last few days. It's pulled in previous details but there are lot's more details available now.
  12. mattheffner

    Google My Business Changes/Issues for Hotels

    This would be great to finally have but I'm not seeing the option for any of our hotels at the moment.
  13. mattheffner

    Anyone reselling Grade.Us

    Great analysis @JoshuaMackens. I mostly use GatherUp now but there's some inflexibility in the review request aspect that might not make it a fit for everyone though they have some cool extra features like TextBack that others can't match. GatherUp has a great interface and the widgets and tag...
  14. mattheffner

    How Hard Is It to Outrank Yelp and Other Directory Websites in the SERPs?

    It's definitely possible to outrank Yelp, HomeAdvisor, TripAdvisor, etc... If a client's brand is really strong then the home page can do it. For instance, a landscaping client of ours is really involved in community projects naturally and gets a ton of high quality links from local non-profits...

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