More threads by Garrett Sussman

Mar 15, 2016
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6 Review Request Scripts For Your Support and Sales Team

You've built a fantastic product or service.

Most of your customers are happy. Naturally, you'd like to spread the word. The obvious question is, how? How do you acquire online reviews at scale?

The simple answer? Review request scripts.

At some point, you'll need to rely on your team. Your employees will need to take up the mantle and begin requesting reviews from your tribe of happy and satisfied customers.

Your employees don't know how to ask

They don't know what to say.

They're not entirely sure when or how to say it. What's worse, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of direct upside for employees.

They need guidance.

These employees need a framework. Scripts that give them a set of guidelines they can use to request online reviews. It's possible to acquire positive online reviews at scale - if you have the right scripts.

Andrew goes on to details 6 psychological reasons/moments to solicit a review from a happy customer and a scripted guide on how to ask.

Read the full post here.



Once again, just brilliant! Thanks Garrett and Andrew!

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