More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="ToolsWMV10fps5Q" width="65%" /></a>

Rank tracking tools .:. Keyword Tools .:. Citations Tools
Account Management Tools .:. Prospecting Tools

Love Local Search tools? Or hate 'em? Either way, does not matter. In this business you need tools!
So the Pros like to brainstorm which tools are best and how to use them.

If you want to find the best tools or have tool questions you are in the right place!

The forum is so big with so many important new topics added daily, that I know it can be hard to find things. So for anyone new, just wanted to highlight the "Tools Forum" to be sure you know we have a place to talk tools.

In face we have the largest repository of posts about Local Search Tools online.
97 threads to date. Many posts are by some of the top minds in the business!

Check out the Local Search TOOLS Forum here!

For your viewing pleasure - here are a couple of the most recent discussions:

<a href="">Brightlocal? Places Scout? Other?</a>

<a href="">Google: New Structured Data Testing Tool and Improved Documentation</a>

<a href="">What free online tools do you use to collaborate?</a>

And a great recent post at the Google+ Pro Community:
What are your must have tools/software for local SEO?

So JUMP INTO one of the discussions above or start a new thread if you have questions.

FYI if you are new here, other topic specific forums include: reviews, Map Maker, dupes and service area businesses. Plus we have forums for on-site SEO, mobile, social and much more. Check the forum home page to see all the forums.

But the main way Pros keep informed is by clicking RECENT POSTS & TRENDING THIS WEEK at the top of the forum. And of course subscribing to the RSS feed or getting daily email digests. (Right sidebar.)

Happy reading and thanks for visiting! :)

P.S. Yes I've totally gone animation crazy! Played with more fun new tools over the weekend! :p

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