More threads by boulderrick

Mar 18, 2015
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Hi all,
I was wondering what is better seo wise for a url name.

having a longer url that is descriptive or a short url that is easier to type.

for example if I can get or which one would be better.
Google still favors exact match domains for queries, so depending on what you're trying to target KW-wise I would say 'It depends'.

If your purpose of the domain is to 'brand' a business the would be acceptable, but if you're targeting search I would be inclined to select your 2nd example.

Hope this helps.
Before you purchase a domain, I would look at Lean Domain Search | Find a great domain name in seconds and put in your keyword. If you are doing video marketing, try that in the search. It usually brings up thousands of domains.

I have found a couple gems for a few different niche websites I am looking to create. Domains you wouldn't think would be available.
If it is strictly for SEO, go with the long tail URL.

My rule of thumb when buying domains for 17 years has always been:

Easy to say
Easy to spell
Easy to remember

If you want people to remember your url go with the short version. If you are looking to get the keywords into the url (Google still looks at EMDs as well as Bing) go with the longer name or...

Buy them both and redirect the short name to the long name, and build out the long name with all your SEO magic!
Sorry I didn't read what I wrote - I meant to change your home page slug so it was like the above?
I'm personally not a fan of the long URL's as I don't think they are embedded in visitors minds. I think visitors tend to forget longer URL's. There should be a happy medium, something that isn't too difficult to recall while being effective for SEO purposes.

You should always opt to get keywords into the URL's as it helps make the pages more relevant as well. It also bolds the search term in the SERP's if they match the query. All those visual aids help draw more attention to your listing.
I wouldn't use a domain name for SEO for a local business. I doubt it's much longer until Google turns down the dial significantly on EMD and PMD and business names as well.

A good domain name is a long term strategy.

A domain name chosen based on SEO is not. makes you look like a cheap company, whereas looks much professional.
Use the root domain for branding and consumer awareness. It's great if you can get one with keywords, but make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. I would say that you'd want people to associate your brand name with the search query, so the more opportunities to embed that connection the better. People look at both the keywords in the title tag, and the domain name in the SERPs. Having a true brand strategy is a long term play, and I think will pay off more in the long run.

Use keywords in the slug, since that helps with relevance and navigation. That will help people know where they are on the site, and help bots understand what the page is actually about.

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