More threads by Durandl

May 19, 2016
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I have a problem with a clients business listings.

The client is a therapist who has three listings:
1 for his home address where he deals with most of his clients (mainly over the internet)
2 in other existing locations where he rents a room

He contacted Google almost a week ago and asked how he could merge the listings, as he was unaware he wasn't supposed to create listings for the places where he rents out a room.

The staff member at Google stated that he was breaking the rules as he doesn't own the locations - and we would need business signage to qualify.

it's a little tricky to add business signage at his house so what is the best way to merge the listings so the one from his home becomes the default one
@Durandl, why does your client want to merge the other 2 listings? From what you say, he shouldn't have those listings at all. If those listings have Google reviews, you can probably get the reviews transferred.

Adding and showing signage at your client's house shouldn't be necessary, given that (1) Google's OK with home-based businesses in general and that (2) your client meets clients there.
Yea, I would push back about the home location needing a permanent sign as long as there are regular office hours. The rep isn't 100% correct about the rooms either. Nothing in the guidelines says that you cannot rent or share space with another business, or that you have to own the property. But you do need to legally be your own business who interacts with customers at the location, and has regular office hours (in most cases). That doesn't mean that you won't come across reps who will give you a hard time.

I would change the address in the two listings you want to remove to the home address, and then request the merge. They will ask you to unverify them before merging as well. If they continue to give you a hard time about the sign, just tell them that it's not possible to have a permanent sign in place because of property restrictions at the location, and that you are aware that a sign is not necessary according to Guidelines for representing your business on Google - Google My Business Help. If the rep continues to argue, I've had sucess telling them that I would like to speak to a supervisor because apparently there is a training issue. They should give you a work around such as providing the business license showing that there is a business registered at that address.
It's not that uncommon that practitioners have multiple offices where they work out of. I don't see why multiple listings would be not allowed if the hours are properly updated to match when the person is at those specific locations (without having any overlap of time).

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