More threads by cfazio


Jun 30, 2021
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Curious if anyone has dealt with this issue before.

All of my clients are in the multifamily housing (apartment) industry. They have leasing offices that are open to the public to call or walk in during a fixed set of hours.

For some insane reason, GBP guidelines list "apartment buildings" as a type of listing that shouldn't have hours. Yes, the word "shouldn't" is literally italicized in the GBP guidelines.

Clients are starting to get their hours removed, and when contacting GBP support they say the business type is not eligible for hours. All of their competitors have hours, nearly every single apartment building listing I have ever seen has hours.

It is going to be a major negative conversion factor to not have hours listed!

Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 10.56.11 AM.jpg

Apartment buildings are lumped in with businesses that have "varied hours ... and those that operate by appointment" - which does not describe my client's business hours.

Does anyone know a way around this?
Hi @cfazio, curious if you have more than one GPB category chosen? Can you pick an additional category such as "Apartment rental agency" which might have an impact on the displaying the hours? Maybe have "Apartment rental agency" as primary and "Apartment Complex" as secondary.
Hi @cfazio, curious if you have more than one GPB category chosen? Can you pick an additional category such as "Apartment rental agency" which might have an impact on the displaying the hours? Maybe have "Apartment rental agency" as primary and "Apartment Complex" as secondary.

That is a consideration ... but the only issue is our clients rank better with "Apartment Building" as a primary. Might just have to try shuffling around some secondary categories, maybe its a combination.

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