More threads by Colan Nielsen

Colan Nielsen

LocalU Faculty
Jul 19, 2012
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I've been observing conversions coming from DuckDuckGo for several websites over the last few months. I know the search engine is gaining in usage but I am trying to figure out more about why we are seeing this trend.

Does anyone see the same pattern with websites you work on?

Do you use DuckDuckGo? I have yet to use it myself.

Funny. Same number as bing.

I definitely hear more and more people talk about DDG so I guess it really is gaining in usage.

I just checked a site with >80k monthly sessions. Last 30 days DDG brought only 124 sessions so clearly not huge and definitely no conversions. But it is interesting to compare month over month.


Edit: I forgot to answer your questions. I started using the Brave browser a month ago (super happy with it, strongly recommend it!!!) and it comes with DDG as a default search engine but I switched to Google. Somehow, I have to use Google because of my work, even if I don't want to.
Yes, I'm seeing it start to appear in conversions for online purchases, call tracking, and other goals. Maybe 2-3 conversions per month for some decently high traffic local sites so nothing huge yet but it seems the trend is increasing each month for the past 3-4 months at least.
I'm seeing about 1.5% DDG as well.

I wonder if it is used more for informational searches since Google local is pretty strong. That being said, DDG has it's version of the 3 pack now.
I'm seeing about 1.5% DDG as well.

I wonder if it is used more for informational searches since Google local is pretty strong. That being said, DDG has it's version of the 3 pack now.

Where does it pull the 3-pack listings from (what source)?
DDG more than likely has a much higher trust factors with its user base than Google does. That might be driving the conversions.

After all, they switched to DDG more than likely over security concerns. So if they're concerned about security enough to switch to a search engine that isn't as robust, security is extremely important to them. And if they put that concern in the hands of DDG, it only stands to reason they are going to put a lot of weight on wherever they land with DDG.

Just my 2 cents.

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