More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Jun 28, 2012
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Mary Bowling did an informative and FUN post over at the Whitespark blog yesterday, so I wanted to share.

<a href="">How to Destroy the Zombie Pages That Are Creeping on Your Website!</a>

Warning, this is going to be a rant against Zombie pages – the living dead that creep into the websites of local businesses, infecting them with ugly, boring, lifeless content that is going to have a very hard time ranking for anything. You’ve seen them. You know them all too well. Wherever you find them, they must be killed and buried once and for all.

Why Zombies?

The most unfortunate thing about Zombie pages is that they that live in the top level navigation of their websites as either Product or Service pages. There’s nothing unique or interesting about the content on them – either to the Search Engines or to human visitors. Anyone landing on them is just as likely to bounce away as they are to click on one of the links, especially since little effort is made to encourage further movement around the site.

Head over to read the rest!

Great stuff Mary!

What do you think???

Any other zombie-like site issues you would you like to call out?

Image source: Domenico Lamonaca
<meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:title" content=""><meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:image" content="">

Love articles like this Linda. It's great when the "stuff you know" gets teased out into such an engaging format.

It's so easy to get lost in the details and forget the big picture and the basics.

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