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Jul 17, 2017
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Contractor client's Business Listing has been suspended. I've requested reinstatement and don't believe that the listing violated any terms. However, I think the Gmail account associated with the account was hacked and since Google is sending confirmation codes to a landline, I cannot change the password. The YouTube account associated with the same Gmail was terminated also.

This Gmail also provides access to Analytics and Google Search Console. Not sure if I can move those accounts to a different Gmail account?

The Business Listing is still showing in Google Search but it's displaying "Suggest an Edit" and "Own This Business?". Does that mean I should try to reclaim the listing? Or do I wait for the reinstatement decision since it's only been a few days?
Hi @LisaB I would give it a day or two more. When did you file the reinstatement?
Hi @LisaB I am hearing that it is taking a few weeks to hear back on a reinstatement request at the moment. My last reinstatement request took 12 days to resolve.
yes they are really backed up because the last two core updates suspended a bulk load of listings, most of which do not violate guidelines from what i'm hearing.

I had a similar issue but with an attorney and it took about 4 weeks to reinstate said listing.
Core updates are completely separate from mass suspensions. From everything I am reading and hearing, Google has been going after map spam since last March. June 2019, was the largest crack down I have ever seen. Google also suspended a bunch of listings in November and January. I didn’t see any evidence of a November sweep, but a lot of people stated that they did. I did see evidence of a January crack down though. Valentines Day weekend, was a massive take down. It was a short week last week with the President’s day holiday for the States and Family Day for Canadians. Google support was closed that day, which adds to the delays. Honestly, I don’t feel that they caught up from the January crack down since they posted the warning about a surge in suspension cases. The last time we saw that warning was last summer after the June crackdown.
I expect to see more and more sweeps form Google as long as users are creating fake listing networks.
Core updates are completely separate from mass suspensions. From everything I am reading and hearing, Google has been going after map spam since last March. June 2019, was the largest crack down I have ever seen. Google also suspended a bunch of listings in November and January. I didn’t see any evidence of a November sweep, but a lot of people stated that they did. I did see evidence of a January crack down though. Valentines Day weekend, was a massive take down. It was a short week last week with the President’s day holiday for the States and Family Day for Canadians. Google support was closed that day, which adds to the delays. Honestly, I don’t feel that they caught up from the January crack down since they posted the warning about a surge in suspension cases. The last time we saw that warning was last summer after the June crackdown.
I expect to see more and more sweeps form Google as long as users are creating fake listing networks.
I guess that was just a coincidence then although myself and my team did notice a correlation.
Yes it was merely a coincidence. Updates hit on Friday and Saturday. Sunday night the suspensions hit which could explain the volatility on Monday. The November suspensions were also during Bedlam too, which again was a coincidence. June 16th was when the massive suspensions hit prior to the WSJ article about GMB map spam. That was definitely not a coincidence and feels intentional. I have seen other news reports that stated Google removed fake listings once the reporter contacted Google.
My couple of listings are suspended and few clients listings are vanished from the GMB dashboard.

From those vanished listing, I have reclaimed some of them and some of them it is not showing in Google Map as well.
Hi all,
I hope you can help me. Google had reinstated my listing after six days suspension, but when I search by the name of my listing, another of my other listing comes out. Also, I used to rank for many keywords in the three pack but now all gone. Any idea about what can I do to go back to normal?
My listing is Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD and here is my business profile
Era Health Doctor Melbourne CBD - Google Search

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