More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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I posted about the new custom URLS when they were 1st announced, but now that invites are starting to roll out (see screen shots and more info below) more info has come to light I wanted to share.

One big issue is that Google MAY start charging for these new vanity URLs eventually. So they could give them away for free initially and get everyone hooked in. But then after you have your cute short G+ URL all over your marketing materials and they start charging a fee, who's going to opt out?

I wonder what the fee will be? Domain name range? Not such a biggie. Premium fee? Well depends I guess. Hey 1 million businesses X $20 a year - that's a not bad little profit center.

Also note in the TOS they can reclaim or cancel your URL at any time for any reason WITHOUT NOTICE. So who's going to risk putting their vanity URL out there in marketing materials to begin with??? (All the SMBs that don't read the TOS, that's who.) ;)

Google+ Custom URLs Terms of Use

Custom URLs are still under development and the program may change. In particular:

We reserve the right to reclaim custom URLs or remove them for any reason, and without notice.

Custom URLs are free for now, but we may start charging a fee for them. However, we will tell you before we start charging and give you the choice to stop participating first.

Dejan SEO page was offered a custom URL and did an extensive post with numerous screenshots to you can see all the options.

<a href="">Google+ Custom URL: Here?s what happens</a>


(Click the link above to see all the other screenshots)

In my initial post about these custom URLs, I said: "Wonder if there will be a vanity URL land grab for words like plumber, dentist, attorney?"

Well that won't be an option, because basically Google ASSIGNS you a custom URL that closely resembles the name on your Plus page. You can request another that is close BUT can't use a generic word like plumber, dentist, attorney. :eek:

Invites are starting to roll out. If you?re a part of the rollout, you?ll see the notification at the top of the screen when you visit Google+. Users are also getting an email to prompt them to claim theirs. From there, you can grab your vanity URL.

So are you going to get one?
What do you think?

Here's the Google FAQ. <a href="">Custom URLs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</a>
I'll definitely make sure my clients take advantage of this - giving them a head's up of course that they may need to pay for it down the road. When and if Google starts charging, I'm sure the fee will be nominal and for those clients that don't want to pay for it, we'll go back to the old "ugly" url. None of my clients are posting their Google+ page urls on their marketing materials anyway.

Travis Van Slooten
Just found this, in case anyone was wondering.

<a href="">Does a Vanity URL Break Google Authorship?</a>

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