More threads by Colan Nielsen

Thanks Andrew. I just went over and had a look at this clients situation on MM and it's pretty messed up looking. I'll do my best to explain.

First, here is the Google+ Local listing in question - State Farm Insurance - Google+

If you go to MM through the route of clicking on the map in the above listing and then clicking "Edit in Google Map Maker" in the bottom right corner of the screen it takes me to this listing - Google Map Maker This listing is marked as a duplicate, has pending edits which are not edits that I made.

However, if I use the URL - Google Map Maker and add the Google Maps URL it takes me to this - Google Map Maker which is also marked as a duplicate, but it has the proper URL that we want listed on the G+ Local listing.

I have to give Andrew and Flash a lot of credit for being so knowledgeable in such a wild west type of world that MM seems to be. Or at least to my untrained eye it is.
Not to digress from Colan's issue, but all of this talk about redirects has got me just anxious to delve into a GP issue with an existing client. And, I just had to share this one. Notice the highlighted URL on the GP page.

10-30-2012 7-36-03 PM.jpg

My issue here, which I'll likely be starting a new thread on soon is that this GP page appears to have been set up by someone at Intercontinental Hotels Corporate as it leads to their corporate page for this local hotel.

But...this local hotel also has its own domain/URL/website and also has (had) its own GP page (the one right above the GP listing). But, over the last few months I've had this on the back burner, Google has merged and married the two GP and it is a bit of a cluster right now.

Regardless, I need to sit down with my local client and get on the phone with someone at corporate to be able to get access to their corporate GP page and make appropriate changes.

Has anyone seen an actual link in GP be as blatant a redirect as this?

10-30-2012 7-36-03 PM.jpg
Don I still have flu and my brain is just toast. So can't look or wrap brain around this one right now.

BUT what I wanted to mention is that Colan has had lots of experience with Insurance agents who have their own listing. But then Corp may also have a listing and sometimes I think the problem is even a feed corp is sending Localeze or something. So the Corp listing just keeps causing probs. So think there may be some similarities and he may have some tips or experience to share in that regard.
Has anyone seen an actual link in GP be as blatant a redirect as this?

I haven't seen a URL with the actual word redirect in it, that is pretty darn blatant. It's becoming evident that Google, or at least the Google employee's who responded to my earlier examples don't really give a darn if it's a redirect or not.
This sentence from a Google employee sums up a lot of this pretty clearly:

"As long as the information is essentially correct, we will not be able to moderate it."

Up until now I never had a problem with the word "essentially" :confused: Lately it's my least favourite word.
Hi Colan,

Till now I have not encountered with such a problem where I have to get changed the business URL for any of the project.

But I have faced issues where I have to get the correct website link on the place page as it has been effected by any other listing. It now becomes the same case of you - URL in dashboard is different then what is displaying on listing.

For this, as you have updated the dashboard for the correct link and also MM has been updated. Now the nest step you can go with is that you update the listing using "Edit business details" on place page. From there you can provide all correct information with a effective comment on the change required.

In my case it has worked very effectively.
You can try the same. I will say only GOOD LUCK for you.

Pankaj Kumar
Just received this update from a Google employee for one of my examples posted earlier in this thread:

"I hope you had a lovely Halloween. I wanted to update you concerning your Mo Mahoney State Farm Insurance listing. It appears the business title and business URL issue has been resolved:

Thank you for your patience as we got back to you, and have a lovely week!"

And this is after they told me:

"Thanks for your email. After further review, It appears that the currently displaying on your page is essentially correct for your business. Therefore, we are unfortunately unable to manually moderate the proposed changes to your listing. However we are further troubleshooting the business title issue and I'll be happy to follow up with an update for you next week.

Please note that listings on Google Maps are built from multiple sources of information including but not limited to owner provided data. In our efforts to bring the most comprehensive data to our users, we may display information that differs slightly from what you have entered in your account. As long as the information is essentially correct, we will not be able to moderate it."

Never say never?? What's the moral of this story? :)
The moral of the story is… and clearly proves my point...

Google is a "she"! Fickle as can be! :p

Thanks for letting us know the latest update Colan.
But if it flips on ya next week, we won't be a bit surprised. :rolleyes:
Glad I could contribute some more evidence to your case :)

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