More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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Local Link Building - Make Life Easier


I've been saving up some good recent link building posts for your viewing pleasure.

These all have some great ideas, so pick some and get to work! :)

<a href="">15 Highly Effective Ways To Build SEO Links For Your Local Business | Be Top Local</a>

Link building is one of the most fun and rewarding parts of running a local business.

If that statement leaves you slack-jawed, you’ve probably read a bunch of posts telling you how hard and time consuming local link building is. Well, they’re right—a smart local link building strategy takes time to mature and firms roots in the community, which don’t come overnight. But they’re also wrong, because:

The best link building campaigns don’t just drive referral traffic and boost brand visibility, they also reflect your values and get you involved in your community in a meaningful way.

<a href="">Here's How I'm Using Moz Content for Mining Local Link Opportunities</a>

Creating content for local link building can be intimidating.

Sure, you know your business. You know your area, but do you know what locals want to read about?

You can always guess, and you might strike gold. My guess is you don’t have the time, resources, or budget for guesswork.

I don’t either, which is why I like to go in educated.

Enter Moz Content.

<a href="">Ground Zero Link Building: 9 Steps to a Solid Link Foundation</a>

If you’re a local business, listen up. This post is for you.

And even if you don’t consider yourself a local business, you can still take away bits and pieces of this Ground Zero Technique and use them for your own link building efforts.

If you’re, basically, starting from scratch, you can follow these steps in order. If you’ve already built some solid links at the local level, you can jump in at any of these nine steps and reap the rewards. That’s the beauty of it– you’ll have room to build relevant links, while you test out what works, and you’ll be able to go bigger and bigger as you create a solid linkable asset foundation for your website.

Glean any new insight?

Which post and/or idea did you like the most???

Thanks for sharing, Linda! A lot of these ideas show how simple link building has become for local businesses. The hard part for us now is getting the client to put pen to paper.
Wow, that's a great post Linda! There's a ton of good idea in there. First impression was that I liked the upper ranks best, though a reminder about Moz's content tool (or any analytical way of finding missed opportunities for that matter) is always good. Hard to judge strategies I've never implemented before, but when it's time to try some new things, this is where I'm coming. Bookmarked!

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