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Sep 11, 2012
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I just verified two different google places accounts(both are legit businesses) today but both of them said

Pending - Being reviewed ..

any ideas? :confused:

maybe one ip for too many accounts? it is small agency helping to create & verifying google places..
Greetings, this is a pain in the butt! One of the first things I try in a situation like this is to "poke" the listing with a null edit. See if that brings it out of review mode. If this doesn't work there is most likely a bigger issue happening.
Thanks so much Colan. Missed this one.

Colan is right, sometimes a poke will bring a listing out of pending but it can take 4 - 5 days currently before it will work IF it does. And I'm not sure it will help a brand new pending, but I've seen it help listings that were 'stuck' in pending for a long time.

If you are having the problem on 2 separate listings I wonder if you are doing something Google does not like in both listings. Double check for violations and even minor infractions that can trip a filter. For instance are both REAL locations? No home office, virtual office, UPS store or anything like that, right?
No is legit office building. Places pages are just straight forward tricks or anything. I just poked it..will see how it handles.

Any update on this? Were you successful with the mighty "poke"?
To let you know, there is some "bug" in Google that they're aware of which is causing this issue. We've issued support tickets and have gotten the following reply:

Hi there,

Thanks for letting me know and for following up concerning your listing. After further review of your listing, it appears your listing has been affected by a technical issue. We don't have a concrete timeline which we can give for this, but we have taken note of your listing and we will be reviewing your listing when our fix is fully in place.

Thanks for your patience and understanding during this process.

Have a lovely week!


The Google Team
There are a couple "reviewed" by Google scenarios.

Carleton, your example is like Google's message of Doom. I've seen that message before and it's usually part of Google's loooong running issue of listings that have been dropped and aren't coming back anytime soon.

I have a couple clients that have received similar responses and have been in "review" mode with no listing for months.

Does the business that received your example response have a live listing?
The listing disappeared in the Spring and hasn't reappeared. We've been patiently awaiting the resolution from google's "technical issue" to see if it comes back - they had lots of great reviews and don't want to start again until we know for sure :)

To note, the listing still shows in Google Places dashboard, but clicking to view gets the error page "location not supported."
It's an Ortho?

Because I agree with Colan the situation and the email you got sound exactly like the issue that's been happening with service area businesses, that should have hidden address.

But actually I know a few scenarios where they did have a real office or even retail space that should have not been taken down or SABs that DID have address hidden. So evidently the problem goes deeper than SABs that should hide address.

Stinks, sorry you have to deal with these issues!
nothing worked..still showing up as a pending listing..I am trying to merge with Google + Local page..will see what happen.

However, The listing is showing in Google Places Page search result thought.
nothing worked..still showing up as a pending listing..I am trying to merge with Google + Local page..will see what happen.

However, The listing is showing in Google Places Page search result thought.

I sure would not try to merge. But then I'm a little bit phobic when it comes to Google problems.

BUT Google says DO NOT MERGE if you have a Place page with data issues. They don't really explain what TYPE of data issues, but I would def consider being stuck in pending "an issue" so if it was me I would not try to merge until it's cleared up.

But again I tend to be overly cautious because who likes to be potentially tied up for hours on new buggy stuff? (And when it comes to new G+ merging buginess, it's so new sometimes it's even harder to get a fix or even any answers.)


Gun Shy Linda :p
Glad to know that there are other Google germaphobes out there:)

I'm the same way with attempting things when bugs or data issues are present.
Just got the following email from Google . . . fixed, but not really. As you'll read, due to their technical issue reviews may not come back. In this client's case, all reviews seem gone forever - ironically the reason that we worked so hard to get the listing back.

Hello there,

Thanks for your patience in waiting for an update on your listing and I hope you have been well. We have some good news for you: it looks like the technical issue has been resolved and your listing is now back up here

A few things to keep in mind now:

-Please note that if you do not make in-person contact at your location and do not keep your address hidden, you risk being removed from Google Maps. You can read more about service areas and these policies at this link:Service areas - Places for business Help

-Reviews can sometimes be dropped during reconciliation of data issues such as this. We?re unfortunately unable to address each instance in which this occurs.

-Please note that since your listing issues have recently been resolved, it may take several weeks for your listing to display in some search results. Unfortunately, we are unable to manually alter or affect your listing showing in search queries. However, here?s a link to help optimize your listing: Optimize your listing to help users find your business - Places for business Help

Thank you again for your understanding and patience, and for using Google+ Local.

Have a lovely week and stay warm!



The Google Team

Wowser, an ortho got whacked and was down for that long due to a mistake. And again it appears somehow this listing was mixed up with the home business, hide address issue and that is even referenced in the email.

Now that it's back, it's showing as a brand new listing, is not fully populated and therefore won't rank for about 6 - 8 weeks which sucks. However if the name, address, phone are the same there is a slight chance the reviews will find their way back.

Did you keep a record of the original CID#? Is it the same as this CID#? If so then there is a little stronger chance the reviews could re-attach. Knowing the CID#s would also tell us if they revived the old one or had to set up a brand new listing.
Carleton did you realize you have a dupe for the 2nd location?
513-831-6160 - Google Maps

Possible split listing?

---------- Post Merged at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:49 PM ----------

Did you keep a record of the original CID#? Is it the same as this CID#?

I'm guessing a new CID because the link to your Google Places on your website is "We currently do not support the location mason OH orthodontist"
new problems with google places again..

different client with 3 locations. all locations places page worked fine(2 were google local plus and verified by Google review) for several month..
Last week, all of sudden 2 google local plus pages have been into Review mode..
and local plus pages showing it as verified local business..

Organically sites are doing well..only thing I can think of is Virtual office addresses..

any idea how to get out review mode?

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