More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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Now we are in a G+ world and there are very few left in that confusing neverland that have not yet been upgraded to + I want to start focusing more on sharing articles that will help you guys leverage G+ on all levels. Not just for client rankings, but for your own marketing efforts as well.

I'm also trying hard to get more up on all things Google+ and boost my own readership and engagement, so as I learn things that help me - I'll share them to try to help you!

So here is the 1st of many great posts I'll be sharing. This one is really worth your time to dig into.

Google+: Looking Behind the Scenes of Profiles and Posts | SEER Interactive

While Google+ can effectively be used as a micro blogging platform, it lacks many of the features that give blog owners using a CMS more control of the HTML elements, tags and styling of their blog.

To help Google+ users understand what is happening behind the scenes, I?ve dug into the source code of Google+ posts and pages to show you elements that affect how your posts appear in Google+ and in Google Search. In this guide, you?ll learn what tags are added automatically and how to optimize the elements you have control over.

Before we begin, I encourage you to follow along by examining the source code of your own Google+ profile and posts. Who knows, maybe you?ll discover something that wasn?t mentioned in the post?

Learn any new tidbits???
I want to start focusing more on sharing articles that will help you guys leverage G+ on all levels.

Thanks Linda. I was just thinking about this early this morning. The general tone on the internet is changing when it comes to G+. What was once forced fed frustrations and just trying to understand the rapid changes, is now taking a more positive tone. I'm excited to see the changes...
Busy today working on those pesky client requirements but looking forward to diving into this fully. This, I believe, will become tomorrow's "must do" towards local search optimization.

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