More threads by Mike Pedersen

Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Go figure...I did a search for some statistics and google didn't serve up anything recent.

For example...

does anyone know what the current number (stat) is for percentage of searches having a local intent?

Back in Oct. '12 it was around 43%. It's got to be higher now.

Would appreciate if someone could shed some light on this, or point me to a current resource.
Re: Most current statists


Comscore teamed up with Localeze and a few other companies to do a study called "Trends Shaping Search in 2014". You can go to the site, enter in your contact info and they will provide a PDF to download. They Study covers multiple devices. They Say 40-50% of mobile users have local intent when searching. Lots of good info in that study.

Trends Shaping Local Search in 2014

As smartphone and tablet penetration continues to increase, the nature of local search becomes more complex. Local businesses must cater to the needs of searchers using multiple devices, while still understanding how to reach consumers on a variety of different sites.
In this presentation, comScore, 15Miles, and Neustar discuss key insights from the 7th annual Local Search Study. Learn how to create a positive online experience for potential customers, driving in-store and online purchases.
Key takeaways include:

  • Seventy-nine percent of smartphone owners and eighty-one percent of tablet owners use their device to search locally.
  • Smartphone and tablet based local searchers do not want to be overwhelmed with content.
  • Searches on Portal, IYP, and Local Sites have a similar chance of ending in a purchase.
  • Size of business is not an excuse for lack of online presence – searchers looking for independent businesses have high expectations of finding a business website.
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