More threads by design_man


Sep 27, 2019
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There is a GMB listing which has been created with a similar name to my client (which I appreciate there is nothing that can be done on this), but the competitor GMB listing is linking to my client's website.

I've called the number on said listing and its active - so it isn't some odd duplicate, but I want to remove the website link because its giving the listing undeserved credibility. Not helped that if you call this competitor and ask if they are my client's business they say 'yes thats us' - all options I've tried to edit the listing URL have been rejected.

If they had a legitimate website to link to I'd update the link it to that, but can't find one.

The only reference to a website for them I can find is here: and that url is inactive and currently available for purchase

What would be the best way to resolve this?

Competior Linking to Client Website.png

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