More threads by Brian Alaway

Just did some digging. NO WONDER you are in trouble with Google!

Found a 2nd listing for you. Same address. Same phone.
Here's both listings: (813) 282-3567 - Google Maps

1) MAJOR violation to have 2 listings

2) That listing is at same home address and should be hidden

3) That listing is MERGED with G+ which it should not be (but should not be even live)

4) That listing should not even exist because it's a 2nd listing at same location.
PLUS Google will think it's an online only business which is not even allowed on G+ L!

PLUS this other listing was a missing link in your story that could have helped with troubleshooting.
Had you mentioned this other listing it would have saved Colan and I tons of research time and saved me carpal tunnel pain!
Linda, i have seen that second listing appear when someone changes their address. After reading that post from jade in the G forum about being able to edit and submit your address i forwarded it to a friend who just bought a new home. well, the old places listing is still on maps as well as the new one. when the address was changed the second listing showed up. one is a closed storefront location and the other his hidden residential.
Re: Places stuck for months in "Pending" state

Yes it's from AE but it's not just AE as you can see from the attached.

---------- Post Merged at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 02:42 PM ----------

And no the second listing had nothing to do with the Pending because it didn't show up until after the listing was reactivated yesterday and I somehow landed in G+L edit mode as I just described.

Re: Places stuck for months in "Pending" state

"PLUS this other listing was a missing link in your story that would have helped with troubleshooting. Had you mentioned this other listing it would have saved Colan and I tons of research time and saved me carpal tunnel pain!"

quick to jump to conclusions don't you think? After all, I originally showed you my Places listing, unless of course you think I was faking that too :(
Re: Places stuck for months in "Pending" state

quick to jump to conclusions don't you think? After all, I originally showed you my Places listing, unless of course you think I was faking that too :(

Brian I just re-read everything - in case I somehow missed it.

This whole time we were talking about/trying to help with your consulting listing. The one in the screenshot.

You never mentioned the "Tampa Bay Business Listings" G+ Local/G+ Business merged page.
That's the one I linked to and am referring to above.
The TBBL listing is not in the screen shot and has nothing to do with the Brian Alaway Consulting "pending" problem. The TBBL listing was created after the "pending" problem and long before yesterday when BAC was reactivated. Listen, I'm not a paying client so feel free to delete this whole thread if you don't believe me. But just so you know the truth do this ... Google tracks everything .. so I'm sure they have a date/time stamp on when that second listing in Places showed up. Ask one of your Google buddies to check it. It will clearly show it was yesterday AFTER the BAC listing was reactivated.
On second thought, I'm not inclined to leave that second BAC listing stay for long as it could jeopardize my real Places listing. So I'll leave it there for a couple more hours if you care to pursue then I'm deleting it. Again, TBBL didn't even exist for months after the BAC pending problem and if it were the root cause why is it still active and why would Google have reactivated the BAC listing. So you are seriously mistaken about my veracity in this matter, disappointing and quite unprofessional. Good-bye.
Brian, I sincerely apologize if I jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Since the posts on that page date back to October it didn't look to me like a brand new listing.

At any rate you should not have 2 G+L listings so the other points 1 - 4 still apply I think. So now that the BAC listing is back, you should probably decide which one to get rid of.

That 2nd consulting listing is really odd. I'm not sure how that happened. But you're right, just click delete and remove from account. (Don't say delete from maps or it could also delete your main listing.)

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