More threads by Ray Litvak

Jul 20, 2012
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Hi All,
I manage a SEO campaign for a local dentist.
Years back, I set up a Google Places page for the dentist: following the advent of G+, I also set up a G+ page.
The dentist has requested the removal of a picture that was posted early on in his Google Places page. Google is not allowing me to remove the picture. That said, I can upload new pictures to the profile and delete them if I want to.
The question is this: how do I remove the old images from the Google Places profile?
Would it make sense to try to merge the Google Places and G+ profiles? If so, how do I go about doing this?
Thanks to those in advance for your help.
Baffled by G+ in Toronto (aka Ray)
Hi Ray,

What do you mean when you say that Google is not allowing you to remove the photo?
Hi All,
I manage a SEO campaign for a local dentist.
Years back, I set up a Google Places page for the dentist: following the advent of G+, I also set up a G+ page.

Would it make sense to try to merge the Google Places and G+ profiles? If so, how do I go about doing this?

G+ profiles are something different totally. But if you mean merge a G+ page with the Place page.

A) that would do nothing as far as the Places image issue.

B) Maybe you are not aware but several months ago Google started upgrading all Place pages to G+ pages and almost all pages are upgraded at this point. So likely that Place page is already upgraded to G+. Does it have a red follow button on it? Then it's already upgraded.

c) If by chance it's not, then it's likely the listing has problems because everyone has been upgraded except problem listings.

And I'm with Colan. Don't understand why you say Google will not allow you to delete image, unless they were user uploads???
I think this is what Ray means...

I too have a client with some images showing on the Google Plus Local page that I cannot delete.

These are images that Google Places scraped from somewhere else on the web and I could not delete them in the old Google Places dashboard.

Some of them have now come over to the Google Plus Local page and show under All Photos but there seems to be no way to delete them - no dustbin when you click through on the image. The only option under More is to Report Abuse...

I can share a link privately if Linda/Colan would like more info...?
Oh scraped images?

But Ray said they were images he added a long time ago so I don't think he meant they were scraped and if they are in dash he should be able to delete.

I think the way he said "Google is not allowing me to remove the picture" made us think or at least made me think that it sounded like they were in the dash but he called support and they told him he could not delete them or something? The wording just threw me.

So I think we need screenshot and/or links or clarification from him.

But yes Jo for scraped images or user uploaded images the only option is more >> abuse.

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