More threads by RhondaFranklin

Oct 3, 2023
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I own a service area business (we offer home insulation services at the customer location).

I have a Google Business Place with my address exposed and service areas listed which I hear is best for ranking my GBP in the local pack.

I currently have schema in my website footer for LocalBusines ->HomeandConstructionBusiness.


1) Should I be using this "LocalBusiness" schema type OR should I change it to "Organization" schema?
2) Should this schema be in my footer so accessible from all pages or only on the home page or about us page?
3) Should I have "areaServed" in my website schema?
4) In my website schema "sameAs", I'm want to link to my GBP url. How do I find that URL?

I don't want to confuse google while I"m trying to relate my website to my GBP.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.
1) "LocalBusiness" schema type is ideal for this situation
2) You can isolate it to the About Us and/or Contact Page - whatever page(s) you have the address on
3) You can add an "areaServed" to the schema for sure
4) This extension is my go-to way to find the CID URL for any GBP

The strongest signal Google can get to connect your GBP to your website is the website field on the GBP itself. So make sure that is linking to your website and you'll be all set, but "LocalBusiness" schema doesn't hurt!

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