More threads by aputtock

Aug 21, 2017
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Hey community,

Couldn't find any guidelines on this - Are businesses (SABs) allowed to operate from trailer parks?

Our rule has been - If it's got wheels, it's a hard no. However, units (like modular homes) in Trailer parks are acceptable.

Does anyone else have any takes on this?

Thanks :)
Is your location there permanent (not going to change every year) and do you have signs onsite?
Thanks for the reply! Mostly, it's service-area businesses run by people who are dwelling in the trailer park.

We have a selection of clients that are either 1) stationary or 2) mobile.

If their house is on wheels, we generally won't accept those addresses. For the stationary units, we will accept it as a home address.
You have a pest control business right?

I know you guys have a Google My Business listing currently. Is this listing you're looking at creating in the same market?
So if this is a service area business and it's the only listing you have for them, and this is their home address, and you get mail there I think it should be okay. I checked with Google and they said that you should be fine.
@CraigJMount No, not that business, just several others we have had over the years
@JoyHawkins That's amazing news! Does it also matter if they are mobile?

Thanks all as always for the guidance :D
So just to clarify, as long as they aren't actually moving around (like an RV or something) and they can accept mail, it should be fine.

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