More threads by camcamcz

Feb 2, 2013
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Hello everyone!

I am trying to figure out what has dropped me so hard in the SERPS after penguin 2.0 rolled out. My website is Junk Removal Atlanta - Advance Junk Removal Service in Atlanta, GA and it use to be ranked real high organically for keyword "junk removal" and also keyword "junk removal atlanta"

I can't even find it for keyword "junk removal" anymore and it use to be ranked 1 or 2 for "junk removal atlanta" for years.

I don't have any warning on webmaster tools and as far as I know I have pretty good backlinks. Someone brought to my attention that the page might be over optimized for the keywords.

Advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much in advance!
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Don't have time to take an in depth look right now, but yea it's over-optimized. 'Junk Removal' and 'Atlanta' are in the title 2x, 'junk removal' is in the url. 'Junk Removal' is on the homepage 14x. 'Atlanta' is on the homepage 12 times. I'm guessing you probably built a good bit of links with the anchor text using Atlanta, Junk and Removal...

Unfortunately your best option is to probably start over with a new site
I'm hoping you are joking. Haven't heard anyone say that before.

I can agree with you on either adding more content or remove some of the keywords on the page. But I don't know about starting with a new site.
Unfortunately your best option is to probably start over with a new site

Sorry could not disagree more. He's on page one, so he's not penalized. Just does not rank as high as he used to. Scrap everything and start over would not be my recommendation.

For me you rank #8 in pure organic and D on maps for Junk Removal Atlanta. So you are low and there may be problems and things that can be improved. Could be a minor ranking penalty but all is not lost.

I don't have time to do a deep dive to analyze everything, but just wanted to pop in to say don't start over with a new site.
Hello everyone! far as I know I have pretty good backlinks. Someone brought to my attention that the page might be over optimized for the keywords.

Have you actually checked your back links? You can get some insight with a free account at many places. I have worked with MajesticSEO for years and can highly recommend them. Start here: Bulk Backlink Checker - Majestic SEO

p.s. I have no relationship with Majestic, I just think their tools are great.
Sorry could not disagree more. He's on page one, so he's not penalized. Just does not rank as high as he used to. Scrap everything and start over would not be my recommendation.

For me you rank #8 in pure organic and D on maps for Junk Removal Atlanta. So you are low and there may be problems and things that can be improved. Could be a minor ranking penalty but all is not lost.

I don't have time to do a deep dive to analyze everything, but just wanted to pop in to say don't start over with a new site.

Ahh, I didn't even check rankings. As I said, I only had time for a quick look and went off the fact that the OP said "has dropped me so hard in the SERPS after penguin 2.0 rolled out"

I resend my advice to start over, since you don't actually have major penalty for your target keyword. I would definitely work on that title tag and decreasing the frequency a little of your main keywords on the homepage. I'll take a more in depth look a little later today if I get a chance.
Thank you. Well I dropped a few spots for "junk removal atlanta" but I dropped hard on "junk removal".

My plan for now is to maybe right up all new content for the page while using the keywords less than they are now.
Do not start over. Even if you're under a penalty, trying to come out of it is better than starting with a fresh backlink profile and domain age.

Drop some of those keywords out. Make it more natural. I would also try to potentially get some social signals going too.

Add content. Make sure you don't have any duplicate content.

Check your backlinks. Check optimized anchor text and if it's too much (over 40% at least) then you need to build some other backlinks that have branded or unoptimized anchor text.

Just a few things.

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