More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score

UPDATE 5/15 - Video below in post #3, in case you missed it:

Mike Blumenthal and LocalU are hosting a Google Local Hangout.

The hangout team includes Mike, Joy Hawkins, Colan Nielsen, Mary Bowling and yours truly.

So bring your toughest Qs. From how to report local spam, to how to deal with dupes, to everything in between.

Submit your questions in advance at the event page below!

WHEN? May 15th at 11 am EDT - Sign up HERE!

Be there, or be square... ;)

Will we see you there???

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re: ▶ VIDEO: Google Local Hangout: Problems, Tips & Tricks with the Google TCs

Just a reminder because we announced this pretty early...

It's coming up next week, so be sure it's in your calendar.

Please submit your Qs in advance on the event page.

See you there!
re: ▶ VIDEO: Google Local Hangout: Problems, Tips & Tricks with the Google TCs

Great Hangout!

I lost my voice so was just in the background answering Qs in chat, but there were tons of great answers from the speakers.

Here is the video in case you missed it:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>​
Re: ▶ VIDEO: Google Local Hangout: Problems, Tips & Tricks with the Google TCs

Hey Linda,

You mentioned you were answering questions in the chat during the hangout. Is there any way that you could post those questions and answers? I am sure there was all sorts of good information.

Thank you. I am half way through it and already have learned a lot of good tips.
Re: ▶ VIDEO: Google Local Hangout: Problems, Tips & Tricks with the Google TCs

Oh ya, really good point.

All the Q & A chat with all the great Qs from the audience are still up right on the Event Page.

Thanks for bringing it up, should have mentioned.

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