More threads by Colan Nielsen

Colan Nielsen

Jul 19, 2012
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Joy lays the smack down on another Search Engine Land article. Joy shares a case study from an actual consulting case she worked on.

Why you cannot ignore practitioner listings on Google My Business (case study)

When we started, I made a full list of his duplicates, and this was what we were looking at:

An unverified listing for his practice at an old address with 11 reviews.
A verified listing for his practice at the current address with 43 reviews.
An unverified listing for a doctor who no longer worked there.
Another unverified listing for another doctor who no longer worked there.
Another unverified listing for the practice at the current address with two reviews.
Thanks for sharing Colan! I love seeing case studies like this, really clarifies what the best practices (the real best practices, not just what Google says) should be.
Thanks for sharing Colan! After this case, I recently ran into another that was very similar and they also had to disconnect the practitioner page from the practice page (that little back-end thing that no one knows about) in order to prevent the practitioner from showing up for branded searches. I was really excited to find out that exists. Hopefully it helps others in the future w/ this issue.

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