Recent content by bailey_t

  1. B

    No more ways to verify no google support reps to help resolve the issue

    I have submitted tickets and get sent in an endless loop of getting just an automated response and no one at Google to connect with - similar to what everyone in this thread is saying.... has anyone found a way to connect with google business support?
  2. B

    No more ways to verify no google support reps to help resolve the issue

    No more ways to verify no google support reps to help resolve the issue Trying to resolve a re-verification issue for this listing but in the "Check your verification status" it says to reach out to the support team but doesn't provide any support contact information. They also say that there is...
  3. B

    One Page Websites - Duplicate Page issues + XML sitemap

    I am working on an apartment community's website and it is a one-pager. Each section of the website (floorplans, amenities, neighborhood,etc) has a slug and is indexed by Google (I found the pages when I site: searched them on Google). When I run the site through ahrefs every 'page' on the site...
  4. B

    Is there a tool that can scan GBPs?

    Awesome - trying this out today thanks for the rec!!
  5. B

    Is there a tool that can scan GBPs?

    I am curious if there is a tool out there that audits GBPs - i.e. scans a GBP and tells you if there are products/posts/missing info/how many photos/etc.
  6. B

    SOS - what does this mean?!

    Got this email from support after noticing that all the owner images/all posts with photos were getting rejected/removed "Thank you for contacting Google Business Profile Support. I hope you are doing well! This email is in reference to your query to add photos to your business profile "XXXXXX"...
  7. B

    GMB Posts Failing w/ images

    everything is a 1200X900 PNG
  8. B

    GMB Posts Failing w/ images

    I could see that but its failing for everything - even pics of employees sitting with a coffee cup
  9. B

    GMB Posts Failing w/ images

    do you know what could trigger this? or if its something that can be reverted?
  10. B

    GMB Posts Failing w/ images

    Hi guys, I'm running into the issue of all my Google Posts that have images being rejected in one specific account in GMB but posts with just text are going through (I've tried posting images that I know are ok cause they posted successfully on a different GMB and they are failing on this one...
  11. B

    GBP Insights Drop off Feb 6th?

    Is anyone else seeing a complete drop-off of GBP insights? I will provide some screenshots of my clients but I am seeing their data completely fall to 0 on feb 6th and make no bounce back.... or the data just stops on the 6th. Anyone else experiencing this?
  12. B

    Local SEO for Bar/Taproom

    @Phil Rozek @Annika Neudecker @Eric Rohrback - this is all great insight thank you guys!!!
  13. B

    Local SEO for Bar/Taproom

    Hi guys - I am currently working on SEO for a local bar near me.... my client wants to highlight their products (beer/wine/liquors) in their GMB through the photos/posts/potentially product cards but I am unsure if that might flag/suspend the account since there are weird guidelines around...
  14. B

    Google My Business Product Photo Errors

    a few yes - from what I have seen they have stuck im just worried that it might revert back to being an error the moment i stop checking
  15. B

    Google My Business Product Photo Errors

    Hi guys, I have been seeing that a lot of my client's GMB product photos are going from being photos to errors. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? Is it a Google Bug or maybe a sizing error on my side? If anyone knows of any threads/articles addressing this issue I would love them to...

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