Recent content by neighbor_google_maps

  1. N

    Posting "Feed Updates" on your GBP benefits?

    I have seen both answers on posting on the GBP "feed updates" that is helps and that is does not help. We are considering posting multiple times a week. Will this have any impact on ranking or more keywords from searches or signal to Google we are active on this profile? I heard some people...
  2. N

    Attempt to Verify Multi Location Rejection

    Hi AspiringMapExpert - Would love to learn more about your process from applying to getting those 566 verified. I sent you a direct message.
  3. N

    GBP Description best practice?

    If we have multiple locations should the description be a generic company description that is the same on all of them? Or should they be unique to the specific location?
  4. N

    Is there a large volume of spam calls on Google Maps?

    We have an IVR that is 16 seconds long - then it goes to queue. Therefore if they hang up before 16 seconds then we term it a pre-queue abandon. We just track in manually in spreadsheets.
  5. N

    Is there a large volume of spam calls on Google Maps?

    We have about an 80% Pre queue abandon rate with a filter requiring incoming callers to press 2. It used to be 1 but then a ton of bots were getting through. Is this normal to have 80% of people pre queue abandon?
  6. N

    Can you create a GMB profile with a Microsoft email?

    I have a client that I am working with that has 80+ locations that they want added to GMaps but all of their individual emails are through Microsoft. I don't want to have to create a bunch of new Google emails for all of their locations or even create just one google account and apply for Bulk...
  7. N

    Issues with GBP Verification

    My personal theory is that due to all of the lay-offs that Google had, they were short staffed and couldn't handle the load for verification. They needed more people and they didn't have the budget so they had to outsource it to people in call centers who may not do the best job. Additionally...
  8. N

    Does Google Track Website Domains Across Pins

    Would anyone be able to help answer this? Maybe @Colan Nielsen or @keyserholiday?
  9. N

    Does Google Track Website Domains Across Pins

    Sure thing, I could've explained this a little better. Imagine I am Pizza Hut. I have some locations that are really good - big city, brand new, look super legit. I also have some locations that are less nice, small town, maybe run down location with no signage. I want everything to be up, and...
  10. N

    About to do my sisters GMB for her cake & sweets small business is there a way of getting approved right off the bat?

    If video verification fails you can submit a reinstatement form: Submit a reinstatement request - Google Business Profile Help If it takes longer than a week, you can resubmit or contact support: Google Help
  11. N

    Is there a way to submit my electricity bill & office lease documents during GMB or before its setup ?

    I don't think there is. You can always attach photos for the public to view, but you wouldn't want your electricity bill and office lease to be public. No.
  12. N

    Does Google Track Website Domains Across Pins

    I personally own around 40 pins right now that are branded with my company name and use my company website. Some of these pins have been plagued by video verification and suspension. In addition to the ones I own and manage, I also help other people create pins that use my company website...
  13. N

    How to Protect Against Account Level Suspension (Edits)

    I know that having an account owner or manager of profiles that has made edits is a big no no. It can lead to account level suspension if any one of the edits you made is deemed spam or suspect. There are a couple of individuals that have made profiles that are owned by our company that have...
  14. N

    Partial Chain Verification

    OK thanks so much! This is super helpful. One more question - Can you add locations manually or in bulk while you are being Chain verified?
  15. N

    Partial Chain Verification

    Cool! Thanks so much! I just wanted to confirm that after being bulk verified, it sounds like we can just bulk create new locations and they will automatically be approved. Is that true? I saw an article that you wrote @krystaltaing and it seemed like you alluded to that being the case...

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