Recent content by rossdunn

  1. rossdunn

    Looking for some crowdsourcing help with Agency Analytics

    That's great news. Sadly, since it isn't scheduled yet for release, we will probably go with Agency Analytics since it has more native integrations and we need to choose soon. We'll just have to make it work with Bright Local for now. I hope we can make it clean enough!
  2. rossdunn

    Looking for some crowdsourcing help with Agency Analytics

    Thank you, Darren! One more question if you don't mind. I know WhiteSpark has an excellent rank reporting system, do you have that integrated somehow in Dashthis? I am trying to choose between Agency Analytics and DashThis and ranking reporting is important. AA's reporting is just not my cup of tea.
  3. rossdunn

    Looking for some crowdsourcing help with Agency Analytics

    Hey Dani, would you mind sharing what you ended up running with? Did you stick with Agency Analytics?
  4. rossdunn

    Looking for some crowdsourcing help with Agency Analytics

    Amazing share, thank you, Joy! I am not at the point where I have gone away from rank reporting for clients, it is an uphill battle, sadly. But, this urges me to up my game. Thanks.
  5. rossdunn

    Looking for some crowdsourcing help with Agency Analytics

    Thank you, Darren! How do your clients like receiving reports from Dashthis? Did it require any fancy customization or hacks to create a report they were pleased to use?
  6. rossdunn

    Looking for some crowdsourcing help with Agency Analytics

    @JoyHawkins could you share what you use for unified reporting? Is it also DashThis?
  7. rossdunn

    Looking for some crowdsourcing help with Agency Analytics

    I'm currently considering Agency Analytics but also find their reporting solution seriously lacking. @whitespark do you still use DashThis for your unified reporting to clients? If so, are there any good examples of how a report would look for a local client that also does PPC and social media...
  8. rossdunn

    ALL GMB Listings Under Account Suspended - With No Response or Explanation

    That looks incredibly frustrating! I wonder what Ben thinks it is that could cause support not to even respond? I don't think there is EVER a reason for Google Support to deny some sort of response. Even if it is vague when clear spam is the case (not saying it is here in any way). Google's...
  9. rossdunn

    No more email clue!

    As noted above, I consider this a significant loss despite how seemingly small it is. I hope it is restored.
  10. rossdunn

    Looking for a google ad runner

    My company might be interested if you'd like to send info.
  11. rossdunn

    Backlinking to GMB Listing

    Hotels have been the hardest nut to crack for us, so this is extremely interesting. Thank you for sharing this @resorts
  12. rossdunn

    Reviews markup showing in serps for LocalBusiness schema markup? What's going on

    Hey Georgie, the only answer I have is that Google did clearly say it would be a while until all of the applicable local business ratings would be removed from view. It could be that you've just encountered some that have yet to be removed. Unless someone with more insight pipes in, I suggest...
  13. rossdunn

    Menu schema not getting picked up by Google

    So Joy, just to clarify your findings... if you want something to show up such as a menu or stars, keep the schema separated entirely or remove all but the schema that you want to show up?

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