More threads by boydlake


Jan 22, 2019
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So I have a client with a competitor that just launched a second website and GBP in the same area, in the same competing business industry. The second site is hosted by a national franchise and is a service location franchisee for that franchise. The 2 website contact phone #s are the same. The GBP phone #s are the same. So effectively, my client competes with 2 websites, 2 GBPs in the same local area owned by a single business entity through the shared phone #.

I think this fits the definition of malicious content for the redressal form. Is that correct? Is there another place to go since it's for multiple GBPs?
You can report the GBPs vis the redressal form for having the same phone number, technically that is against GBP policy. There isn't anything you can do about the website's though, having the same number on the websites is allowed.

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