More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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I'm terrible at keeping up with things on LinkedIn. Google+ and Twitter are my mainstays.

But that may change after reading this great post at LinkedIn by Eli Fennell.

<a href="">3 Branding Opportunities in the Local Knowledge Panel</a>
(Just a few snippets - so click the link to read full post.)

Recent Posts on Google+, as it is straightforwardly known, is the part of your Local Knowledge Panel where it displays... well, your most recent post from Google+...

Most Posts will display in this space, and will usually appear in the Local Knowledge Panel within hours of posting...

In addition, Photo Posts will display as photo thumbnails in the Local Knowledge Panel, which makes this another possible branding element...

This means your Google+ Posts, in a sense, are also free +Post Ads in the Local Knowledge Panel. I want to repeat that: your most recent Google+ Posts are like free space for branding and advertising in the Local Knowledge Panel...

Will at least some Searchers see this part of your Knowledge Panel results? Absolutely... providing you use it. This also answers a common concern many business have about investing in Google+: "None of my fans are on Google+." That may be true, but do they use Google Search? If so, you're missing an opportunity to engage them or, at least, send them a timely and direct message from your brand.

Much has been said which bears repeating about the difference between Google+ and Facebook: Google+ combines Social with Search, Maps, the largest online ad network on the planet, and the entire account and identity system for Google users for the past three years...

If I removed Google+ from the equation and said, "Hey, you can post something to social media and it will appear directly in Google Search results in a special Search Panel within hours and reach thousands of people," would you not use it for your brand without hesitation? Well... you can! Right now, this second! If this is the first time you're realizing this, I have to tell you that 2011's SEO's called and they want their lightbulb moment back.

Great writing and great way to look at the KP and G+ posts especially!

Hat tip to Nick Rink for sharing on G+!
It's a great piece by Eli and covers so much that local business owners are, at the moment, failing to grasp. Am working on some research on local businesses here in SW London and the number of optimised pages on G+ is scary low, with only 10% of them having uploaded a cover photo!

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