More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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I was just reading an awesome post over at Buzzsumo where some of the top minds in the SEO world are sharing their SEO fears.

Many of the opinions are from folks that work at some of the big Internet Marketing agencies like Distilled and Seer, but some of the names I recognize from the Local Search Space.

But I think you guys will be able to relate to most of these fears as well, like:

Fear #1: Google is becoming a destination site
Fear #3: SEO alone is no longer enough
Fear #8: You’re guilty until proven innocent, according to Google
Fear #13: The SEO Industry’s Perceived Slimy Reputation
Fear #17: Google Rankings of Client Sites
Fear #36: SEO is becoming more complex and diverse

So head over to read some great insights.

40 Fears That Keep Search Marketers Awake at Night

Then come back and help me expand that list with LOCAL search fears.
Assuming you can relate to most of those, what local specific fears do you have?

Fears that Keep LOCAL Search Consultants Awake at Night

Fear #1: What if Google deletes your listing?

Fear #2: What if Google changes your NAP?

Fear #3: A dupe will sprout from nowhere and knock you out of the SERPs

Fear #4: Your reviews will get deleted or new reviews will be blocked

Fear #5: Competitors will leap frog you

Fear #6: The algo will change, just when you thought you had it figured out

Fear #7: Google will change everything again and you'll feel even more lost than you feel now!

OK so there are 7, just off the top of my head.

Your turn, let's keep this meme going... sharing your fears and venting is good for the soul. It's cleansing. AND it helps others to know they aren't alone!

What keeps you awake at night???

(Add new ones, expand on the ones above or tell us which of those gives you nightmares.)
Great find, Linda. Thanks.

Ian Lurie, AJ Kohn, and Dan Shure FTW.
8 google allows free high serp ranking to new business's to get them addicted to google and eventually adwords

9. Google has another brilliant idea to change star rating

10. google begins to only allow business's without a website to list in places serp

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