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I agree with Tim. If you call up the customer and tell them you checked over the previous call and see if they are open to you sending it to them - they might be willing to adjust their review. I'd also suggest you send this to the LSA team. They could possibly review the call and act on the review (I'm not overly confident they will).

I've seen tons of cases where this is the best way to get a review modified.

Also, to answer your question, I don't believe the user gets an email alert if you modify the response to your review.
Joshua, I think the business type makes a difference too.

If you are talking about a restaurant that people might go to or order take-out from once a week, word of mouth to a dozen people in that town might make a serious dent in their business. For my company, a man spreading the word about my service business to some people in a town 28 minutes away isn't going to realistically make any difference.

Just my opinion :)

My last reply was more in line with what you were talking about with the hundreds of thousands of people that will see your reply to the review.

I agree, if you're in a big city the impact of a reply to a negative review outweighs the negative word of mouth. My last reply was just talking about the manner in which that reply is written is all.
So... I get a call from Womply. They apparently saw my negative review and wanted to help me. I politely told them that I don't need any service and thanked them, but I was told that I definitely needed help with my online reputation because I got a negative review.

I then proceed to type Womply into Google and find dozens of negative reviews :D:D

This reminds me of the calls that I get from people who want to put my business on the top of the first page of Google, when in actuality they can't even get their own business there :p
So... I get a call from Womply. They apparently saw my negative review and wanted to help me. I politely told them that I don't need any service and thanked them, but I was told that I definitely needed help with my online reputation because I got a negative review.

I then proceed to type Womply into Google and find dozens of negative reviews :D:D

This reminds me of the calls that I get from people who want to put my business on the top of the first page of Google, when in actuality they can't even get their own business there :p

Sounds about right haha.

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