More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
Just discovered a killer post at MOZ that I wanted to share with all you citation addicts. :)

<a href="">Advanced Local Citation Audit & Clean Up: Achieve Consistent Data & Higher Rankings - YouMoz</a>

Casey Meraz goes into several advanced citation research tips like Phil's BBB tip and using Map Maker.

h/t Inbound and Phil Rozek hit me with this one at the same time.

Head over to check it out. You may learn a thing or 3. ;)

Thanks for pointing this out Linda. One of the best I've ever read on the subject.
Just realized have not been updating the #bestof local hashtag.

So with a thumbs up from both of you, just added this one.

Thanks guys!
This post is absolutely perfect. I love it because it's the most accurate and comprehensive post on the subject. I hate it because *I* have been meaning to write it, but Casey beat me to it. :)

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Darren, I don't see why this should stop you from doing yours. I'm looking forward to it.
Well, the thing is, this one covers pretty much everything I would have to say on the subject. We don't need two of the same posts in the industry. I have other posts I can tackle instead. :)

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