More threads by Rich Owings

Rich Owings

Local Search Expert
LocalU Member
Apr 21, 2014
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I started researching duplicate GMB listings for a group of construction companies in January and discovered 5 dupes. For several reasons, the project was put on hold, but it's ramped up again. But now when I search Google Maps, I can't find any of the dupes, even after trying every one of Joy's methods in The Guide. Perhaps the client did some cleanup in the interim, but I just wanted to check in and see if anyone else is seeing dupes disappear form the map.
Hey Rich,

Do you remember the details of the duplicates (the names, CIDs, addresses etc)? If so, DM them to me and I can take a look.
Thanks @JoyHawkins. I've got a spreadsheet with everything but the CIDs. Perhaps one of these days I'm going to remember to grab those too!

But going back through my notes, I saw that the web developer I'm working through had gotten me screenshots of their GMB dash in January. I've asked him for updated screenshots, which should tell me if the client did some cleanup in the interim. So I may be able to solve the mystery on my own, but I will keep you posted.

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