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Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score
Not that it really means a lot, but my profile strength used to show as complete and display green

It has now gone brown and promting me to complete info.

The only way to get back to green and complete the profile apears to sign up to a Google Workspace account.

I see this as pretty dishonest by Google, trying to trick people in to opening a workspace account.

Would like to know what others think and whether Google are overstepping the mark here

From a ranking perspective, having a "complete" profile has no bearing whatsoever. I've worked on a lot of clients who don't want messaging turned on and that alone makes them "incomplete". Best to ignore it :)
Also, the new image gallery makes it literally impossible to complete certain suggestions. i.e. "add an outside picture of the location": you can't mark an image as a photo of the location outside right now!

It's semi-okay for reminders, but mostly should be ignored.
Yeah, I don't bother with these things but think it's a bit naughty of Google to suggest you can improve your profile by taking out a Workspace account.

Verging on false advertising in my opinion
I agree. It won't fool most of us, but an unknowing business owner can definitely be misled. But that's only one of many sneaky things Big G does to drive revenue :-(

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